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Me and NIck have been together like for 3 years now. I just can't wait. I mean our anniversary not anything gross. I have a purity ring.

I don't know why I'm thinking about this while I'm supposedly helping Amy. I mean Amy nice and all, but she could be a pain in the ass. Sorry for my language. Its just that all the younger ones get all the likes but me and Katherine are the shadow's in the dust or something. I do write a lot of our songs. For godsakes I'm the founder!

Amy's boyfriend got arrested for alcohol use below the ages of 21. Amy's fault. Like no matter how much people say it's not her fault. Its still her fault for getting a boyfriend like that, not telling us that, dragging us into that. She's 18. I'm pretty sure she can handle herself. I will count this situation out since abuse was in it. Man, Chad's face was priceless. When he saw that we had baseball bats, pepperspray, and ropes. Mom signaled Angela. We then sweetly answered the little boys question. "We had some ad guys and they weren't nice to us so we had to put them in time out." Mom said to the boys. Sometimes that's just too baby-fied.

Nick came and hugged me making sure I was OK. Dani didn't go to the hospital. It was just a bump from Alex's bat. Now we know why Alex doesn't play baseball. Dani got all hyper on him. I'm proud of Dani. Alex said sorry and I just noticed. "Guys it's been a long time since our last cover." "No it hasn't" Katherine hasn't seen the calendar. "Yeah. I marked the date we last updated and that was a month ago." "A month?!" Lisa said a bit surprised, but I wouldn't blame them for not remembering.

This month has been a hassle. I mean with Lisa's depression, Amy and Chad, what's next!? I looked at my poster. I was Big Time Rush. It was actually Amy's but we share it upon our room.

I heard music downstairs. I opened the door of my bedroom and see Lisa and Lauren with the same confused face as me. We shrugged and went downstairs to the party. Shoot. I forgot it was Angela's birthday, but it's like 12:30 in the morning. Hey, it's summer. We jammed to BTR songs, theme songs. We have a mixed playlist. It came to Work of Art. by Rachel Platten. It was the song for Jane by Design on ABC Family. I loved that show until it got cancelled last summer.

I just sat there wondering how this song describes our life right now. "We're just stumbling." I whispered to myself, but no one would've heard me. I think Nick saw me, he came over and sat down next to me. "You OK?" I'm pretty sure that's what he shouted over the music. I understanded him. I texted him since I can't shout all my problems to him. He nodded and we headed downstairs. I told him from head to toe about how I felt. I still don't know way cover we should do. Maybe something that will bring power to us. Like we're not afraid to go back down. Ya know what I mean?

What about 'Count on me' by Bruno Mars? I think the music dies down and the parties over. Nick kissed me goodbye and I went back upstairs. I saw all the girls passed out on the couch except Lisa who was reading a Law book? "Hey Lisa" "Hey." Lauren was passed out too. Dani.

"So whatcha talking about with Nick?" She had her eyes wiggling. Interesting.

"We talking about the next cover we are doing"


"So? What?"

"The cover?"

"Count on me by Bruno Mars."

"I like it"

"So Angela had a good time?"


"Where's mom and dad?"

"Sleeping. Should we start do the harmonies now. If your not tired."

"Yeah. Less work for us in the morning. We can go shopping!"

"Totally. Lets go downstairs" We looked at the girls. We shook our heads.

We got ice cream and ran downstairs. Hey, ice cream makes everything better. We started working until the ice cream was gone. "I can't believe we just ate a jug of ice cream each" Lisa said groaning. "I know.."what time is it?" I checked my watch. "2:56 a.m. Lets get some rest" we couldn't get up the stairs. We see the girls went back to there rooms. Their too pooped to realize we weren't there. We went to the couch and just slept there. You're lazy once in awhile.

We woke up to the girls shaking us.

"Looks like we weren't the ones passed out after all"

"We're holding pens and paper"

"So what, Lisa?"

"We were working" I said now annoyed they woke us up.

They all mumbled 'oh' and shuffled away. Me and Lisa laughed at their silly behaviors. We went back to sleep hence the lacking.

A/n Remember to




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