It's been in Movies

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I'm really scared right now. I over heard Amy whisper to Christina and I heard them talking in the courtyard. I was trying to find the bathroom, but after what I heard, I'm scared to go alone. 

I mean what does she mean me and Christina are next? Next to hit puberty? Next to get married? The next victim. One step closer and I could be in that empty bed across from Katherine. 

I have so much to loose and so many to gain. I just don't know now. It's easy leaving, but hard when you come back. Like how you lay in a bed to long. When you finally wake up. You have to go to this walking excersize or something. 

It's like never breathing again. I need to sing and skateboard the same reason I need to breathe. I bet Amy thinked the same words. I could tell by the face she's really worried. The only time she got that face was when Lisa went to the hospital. 

I wonder what's gonna happen to me. Sickness? I fell off of something? Oh! I got drowned. I guess I shouldn't guess my own death. What if I'm not lucky as the others. What if I don't get saved. 

I have nothing to worry about. We're going on tour soon. We postponed it for now doesn't mean its never. Just as long as Katherine wakes up soon. That will be soon I guarentee you. If you don't believe me ask mom and dad. 

I just don't know who could be after us. Like drama was the least of our hobbies. I mean who would do something like that? Fellow rivals on YouTube? I mean we're friends with Megan & Liz, Megan Nicole, Dave Days. Who?

Like someone who can drive a car because I knew it had to be the person who drove it. Like I saw that person a bit. It was all a blur. I had tears in my eyes, but I did catch a few clues. The person hit Katherine then sped away. 

It's definetly a brunette thats a boy. Something shined against the sun. Bling. It's got to be planned. Someone payed him to hit Katherine. But who would hit Katherine? Only Katherine could answer that. 

I was just thinking for our upcoming album. Our debut album. I got this melody, but don't know the words. 

It's easy letting go

But so hard to know

That truth that lies beneath

I understand the words

I understand my mind

But something I don't get

Is if you ever regret

Somewhere in the shadows

Someone you ignored to long

If only we could save this song

Maybe it wouldn't go so wrong.

Somewhere I fit in.

Was someplace my nightmare

If only you could see

The truth that lies beneath me. 

That's all I got. What do you think? It says what I want. No one knows me. Not even my mother. Sometimes I wish I had my own birthday maybe then I'll get more presents. Although all the presents I have is useless. I put on a fake smile. 

I mean a journal? I mean when do I ever write? It's like no one gets me. 'the truth that lies beneath me'. I understand everything about me, but not anyone. I might be introverted, but I have somethings that make me fit into the family. I can be fun. 

I really have no time for this. Mom and Dad wanted Mike to drive us all home. Mom and Dad said their gonna stay there with Katherine. Since there's 11 of us. Christina had to drive too. Boys in with Mike. Girls in with Christina. 

We were once this happy family. Now it's this dark house vibe. I just hope Katherine wakes up soon and not in a coma. I saw Katherine move her hand, but with the lack of sleep I couldn't make sure seeing I've only seen it one time.

The car ride wasn't silent. Dani wanted to make us laugh even though we knew she was broken inside. I'm so glad she's my sister. I don't know what I'll do without them. We just got to be careful of our surroundings. I think Christina's gonna pull a sibling meeting. Meaning not mom and dad just the 11 kids in the family. I think since we're famous someone's jealous out in the world and if we go to heaven. They'll have us gone. Christina probably gonna tell what's happening to the little boys. 

Everyone keeps telling me that everything will be OK, but will it. No. I know it's not OK! OK? It's hard enough to know, but lying straight out thinking I'll feel better. It's been in movies where the main character or something's family is going through a hard time and the supporting character is like 'Everything will be OK'. Yet they still know that the main character's mind is saying 'No, it's not OK.' But the main character smiles away the pain only for it to reappear. 

If only Katherine's smile would do that. Now we're home. "Everyone go to sleep. We'll go see mom and dad at the hospital tomorrow. Katherine will be with us. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Until then. I'm in charge and so is Mike." Christina hollered over us thinking we won't hear it. Mike and Christina stayed downstairs. They always do that when mom and dad aren't there to tuck us in. They would stay up until we were all asleep. They would 30 minutes later, they creep into our rooms and check us. 

I couldn't ask for more better siblings. 

If only Katherine would wake up and be apart of us again too. 

A/N SO? Whatcha think? Remeber to





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