When I last Checked

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I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the couch at the hospital. I'm pretty pooped. 

"Hey." I said groggly. 

"Hey." My siblings were the only ones here. Where's mom and dad?

"Hey where's mom and dad?"

"They had a meeting for our tour." Katherine said. I almost forgot, scratch that I did forget Katherine woke up. Force of habit. 

"Oh." I feel stupid. "I'm hungry." 

"Pizza?" Alex said. 

"Shut up." I feel vialated. 

I turned on the TV. I'm really bored. 

Christina, Amy, Lauren, Nick, and Joey are sleeping.

The rest are awake. I was sleeping. Now I'm awake. You never expect Dani to be sleeping. 

I surfed through the chanels. Nothing. I finally stopped on Big Time Rush. Us, being girls cheered. Them being boys groaned. Mikers went to the bathroom. I'm pretty sure Alex has a crush on Katie who is played by Ciara. Hehe...

I'm still hungry. I'm going to the cafeteria. "Hey I'm going to get food. Who's with me?" Dani jumped. "Food?" "Yes." "I'm in." "K, bye." We waved and ran down to the cafeteria. Don't care who's telling me to not run, look at me I'm running. News flash. 

We got our food and sat down. I decided to tweet since I haven't done it in awhile. 

@LisaCim: In the hopsital's cafeteria. I just ran here with @DaniCim. I won. Nurses told us not to run, but we ran anyways. #Rebels #Victory 

I got pizza. Dani got nutella on bread. Figures. This is a good cafeteria. Except for the beverages. The milk expired. They don't serve anything else besides water and orange juice. Believe me, those were worse. 

Shoot. I forgot to tell the fans Katherine woke up. Dang. I guess the words get around anyways. After Katherine goes through walking therapy, everything's gonna be alright. I'm pretty sure she can't walk right now because she's been sleeping on a bed for the past stinkin' 2 weeks!

If I were to stay in my bed  for 2 weeks I probably can't do a push up with out groaning and landing on my stomach. 

"I'm  bored. Again." Dani gets bored too easily. 

"Watch something on my phone." I said handing her my phone. 

She put in on the center of our table. It was Big Time Rush. We were on YouTube. It was the episode where Cher Lloyd guest starred. I love this episode!

We finished our lunch 10 minutes ago and we're still here watching Big Time Rush. What can I say, we're hardcore rushers. The episode ended.We walked back to where Katherine was. Everyone was gone. Katherine was sleeping though. I looked at Dani. Who's so tall. I called Christina. "What the fudge where are you guys!" "Calm down Lisa. We went across the street to get ice cream since Katherine needed rest and the little boys woke up and wanted ice cream." "Oh, Ok." I hung up. 

"Dani want ice cream?" "YES!" "Shh..." I pointed to Katherine. 

We walked across the street to where the rest were. Dani and I ordered. Normally I wouldn't eat ice cream, but I wanted ice cream. Dani picked the rainbow sherbet which were I just pick peach, We sat down with them and see the boys have ice cream smudged all over their faces. I nudged Dani. We bursted out laughing. 

We all walked back to the hospital together. Of course we had to walk hand and hand with Christian, Nick, and Joey. I held Joey's hand and Lauren's. Lauren's only 15! In our heads she's only 5. 

We all got back. Mom and Dad were there. Mike or Christina must have told them we were across the street. 

"We have good news and bad news." Mom said kind of excited. Seems like de ja vu happened. 

"Bad news. The company said you guys need an album out by the end of this year or else. Good news. Katherine's gonna be on tour with you guys in a week the most." Dad said in one breath. 

Us girls jumped in excitement knowing Katherine could be joining us on tour very soon. I'm pretty sure we could write 6 more songs before this year ends which is very soon, but hey! We're awesome! 

"Can we bump it into next year?" Christina said hopefully" "No. They want the songs to be recorded and written by early December. It's not an option." Mom sighed.

I don't know what to feel right now. Happy or sad.  

Then a gun shot was fired through our ears. We all panicked. The hospital called a lock down. Great way to celebrate isn't it? 

"Guys? Where's Lauren?" I gasped quickly scared. Where have Lauren went? When I last checked she was right by my side! We're in deep fudge. 

A/N Lauren! Comment below your thoughts on where you think Lauren went! 





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