Beach or Bitch? (4)

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The girls had slept in my house, but I had arrived pretty indisposed to talk to them, so I just took a shower and fell on my bed exhausted.


-How was the date? – Manibear asked smiling and kind of sleepy leaning against the kitchen counter.

-Good. – I said shrugging.

-Is she good in bed? – I looked at Dinah and laughed – What?

-Did you hear what I said yesterday? She wants something romantic, I'm not going to go to bed with her on the first date. – I spoke drinking juice.

-Hold the fuck up, you only kissed when you left her in her apartment? – Normani asked laughing uncontrollably.

-You can laugh, but she kisses very well! – I spoke biting the bread.

-You can start talking. – Dinah growled curiously.

I began to tell all the details of the date, I spoke about Camila's annoyingly cute way, about our race, about the mustache boy and her jealous attack, about our conversation in the pizzeria and then about our kiss at the end of the night, I gave all the possible details.

My best friends started giving their opinions and making comments about my night with her, which elicited a lot of laughs since it was impossible to take something that those mules said seriously. It was when they said I needed to hurry up and finish the job soon.


It was a very sunny afternoon, a very pleasant day actually. I would spend the day with my friends, without having to work, just being myself with the most important people in my life.

With Normani and Dinah I didn't need to create a character, I could be rude, a pain in the ass, annoying... I could be myself and they would still love me and be there for me. That was the best part, having them there supporting me in any decision, they knew me better than I knew myself and they always been there in the bad times. Our friendship was much more than work, our friendship was much more like a sisterhood than anything else.

-What an unbearable heat! – Normani grumbled as I took off my shirt.

-Ahhh! I'm blind! – Dinah mocked – Lauren, you are very white, holy shit! – I rolled my eyes and lay down on the towel.

-Jealous much? – I said laughing.

-Only of your eyes, darling. – she spoke lying down, and I laughed.

I put on my sunglasses and closed my eyes enjoying the sun, who knows, maybe I'd get a tan, which was very hard, it was far more likely for me to leave looking like a shrimp than anything else.

We laughed and wouldn't shut up, today they were funnier than ever, it was in these moments that I felt more than happy and forgot all my problems and duties. The two mules wouldn't stop making fun of me because of my color, and I'd just tell them to shut up and go fuck themselves, without being able to contain my laughter.

After an hour there I decided to go into the water. I asked if one of them wanted to come with me and only Normani came, the water wasn't even cold. We talked excitedly, and twice people tried to start a conversation with us, but we just ignored them.

-I think your break is over... – she said and I frowned, turning to look in the direction she was looking, not being able to not huff angrily – Smile because I think she's looking at you. – I smiled squinting my eyes, adjusting the sunglasses on my face.

-Oh crap, why does this only happens to me?!

-Camila's here, and so is loving and clingy Lauren... Good luck, buddy!

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