Chapter 19. <3

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Liam's POV:  

Adriana was great at the rehearsal. She really works for something she really wants.

We're watching movie's now. The third one already. Time go's fast when you have fun.

Adriana's POV:  

We are done with the fourth movie. And i feel tired. So i'm going to sleep "Hey guys. I feel really tired. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight" And i give everyone a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Harry walked with me to my room "Go to sleep my beautiful lady. Sweet dreams" And he kissed my head gently "Goodnight Harry" And i give him a sweet kiss on the cheek "I'll see you in the morning" He said before he closed my door.

*Adriana's Dream..*  

I walked to the stage to perform at The Ellen Show. I'm nit really nervous. The interview went great! They love it that i'm Liam's little sister.

I walked into th espotlight.

The music starts.

The girls began dancing.

I start singing. But no sound came out of my troath. Omg! I lost my voice.

Everyone start to yell things like 'You suck' 'You don't belong here' 'Go to hell' I ran of stage into my dressing room. The boys and girls ran into my dressing room. I was crying. Really really hard "How could this happen?" I said between the sobs "This morning everything was Ok.." I said letting my head fall into my hands. Liam grabbed me and hugged me tight "Everything is going to be Ok sweety" He said into my hair..

*End of Adriana's dream..*  

I woke up crying. I ran to Liam's room, i ran into his room, and jumped next to him in bed. And i start crying just like in my dream. "Adriana? Adriana what happened?" H e asks worried "I..- I had a nightmare. A-about I was performing at Ellen.. I-I was about to start sing-ing But there was no sound. My voice was gone! The people were yelling stupid things to me like 'You don't belong here' 'Y-you suck!' And.. And more.." I said between the sobs. He grabbed me an =d hugged me tight. Just like in my dream.. "I'ts Ok. Do you wanna stay here?" He asked lifting my chin up. I nodded. I layed down. And fell asleep in the arms of  my brother.

The next morning i woke up. I walked into the living room. And there were Liam, Cat, Louis and Lilly "Goodmorning Ade! How did you sleep?" Liam asks when i take a seat on the couch that is empty. "I slept great. After the nightmare" I said with smile "Good" He replied with the same smile as mine.

I was on my iphone on Twitter. And suddenly there were two girls on top of me. Lilly and Cat. "Girls what are you doing?!" I asked a litle shocked "We're hugging you!" They said at teh same time "Oh.. Than i't s Ok"I said and hugged them back.

"GIRLS! BREAKFAST!" Niall yelled, running over to Lilly to pick her up bridal style "Aww!" Cat and I said at the same time, cupping our cheeks, just looking like cupcake Harry "Hey little cupcake!" Harry yelled suddenly, and kissed my lips. "Come on" And he dragged me to the table.

*In the afternoon, at the studio for the interview* 

The boys said that i can bring some clothes if i didn't like the clothes that they can give me. "Here try this" The stylist, Lou Teasdale, said. The boys asked Lou to do my make-up and stuff, she said yes of course. I didn't mind it at all, because she has a good taste for fashion and she very nice. She gave me a strapless jumpsuit, the tops with glitters and stuff, and the bottom just black it was beautiful. I slipped into the jumpsuit, she zipped it up "You look beautiful in it Adriana!" She said with a bright smile "I like it to. A lot. I think that i'm going to wear this for the performance, with that black leather boots, and than some jewelery" "That's an a amazing choice darling" She said. "Okay. Now the dress for the interview" She nodded. We both started to search in the rack. I grabbed a cute little soft pink dress and she had just an breathtaking dress "Lou i take your dress!" I said with enthusiasm in my voice. She handed me the dress. I'ts a very very short purple dress, a little puffy at the bottom. I slipped into it. "What do you think Lou?" "I'm speechless. You look so cute!" "Thank you!" "Okay wear this white pumps under it."

The long lost sister from Liam Payne (One Direction fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now