Chapter 26. <3

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Adriana's POV: 

I woke up. In a room that I never been.

I looked around and i'ts not the hospital.

So it has to be home.

The door opened and saw a worried person. I couldn't see who. When the person came closer. I saw that it was Zayn. It was just Zayn. Woah! WAIT! WHAT! "Zayn! What the hell am I doing in your room?!" I scream scared "Well. Cat found you in your bathroom, unconscious. And she got me. And I laid you in my bed, I slept on the ground not to wake you up. And now your wrists are tied up with plasters. And stuff, Liam doesn't know anything. No one actually. Only Cat and I. So be happy that we didn't tell anyone.." He explained, I nodded. "But why was Cat looking in my room?" "She knows something was wrong with you.." "Oh.. Okay. I'll were long sleeves than" "Did you ever cut before?" "Yes" How many times" "Ehm.. 5 times.." I said looking down "Why? You don't need to cut babe. You're not ugly" "Well I'm very uncertain. So that's why I cutted. But that's a long time ago. 2 years, not even my 'parents' knew it. Only Cat, Lilly, Nicki and Sara" "So you didn't cut in 2 years? And now you do? Why?" "Well.. I don't know if you heard about Taylor. But that's why I'm very uncertain again. I already was and stuff, but that's one of the reasons I cutted again.." "Only about Twitter things, she said, or what she did with Harry. Or tried.." I nodded "Well. I understand. But-" I started crying "Hey. Don't cry" He said lifting my chin up "You have no reason to cut. Taylor is a bitch. She always will be a bitch. That's how she is. And Harry hates her for what she did to you. So.. Promise me that you will never cut again?" "I promise" "Pinky swear?" "Pinky swear" "Good. Now come on, get your lazy ass out of that bed.. And get something to eat. Go get a sweater" He smiled. He walked with me to my room. He waited out side. I got a black sweater with Obey written on it in red. I walked outside and he nodded, saying that it was okay.

"Goodmorning Adriana!" Louis said happy, he jumped on me, causing me to fall on the couch "Louis! Get of meeee!" I whined "Sorry.." He said fake crying "Oh.. BooBear don't cryyyy! I'm sorry!" I played with him, he looked up from his hands "Aaah! I'ts okay!" He cheered, we hugged like we didn't see each other in 2 years. When we got up and sit normal on the couch we saw that everyone was laying on the ground from laughing, are we so hilarious "Are we so hilarious?" Louis said like he was reading my mind "I WANTED TO SAY THAT LOU! FUCK!!" I yelled, they even laughed harder, we just laughed with them.

"OUCH! MY STOMACH HURTS SO MUCH!" Nicki said holding her belly "SAME HERE!" Sara, Cat and Lilly said "TOMORROW WE HAVE A SIXPACK GIRLS! JUST LIKE YOU GUYS!" I laughed, the boys only laugh harder "OKAY! STOP! STOP! PLEASE!" I yelled, almost dying from pain "Sorry! Okay. Okay. I'm Ok now" Nicki said out of breath. I looked around and all the boys have tears on their eyes from laughing, well actually we all have. "Yess! Record! Girls we broke the record! We now have laughed over 20 minutes. Ow Yeah!" I said happy. Lilly raised her hand to give  me a high five, I proud accept it. 

"Girls how about that we go check out our new school today?" Sara suggested "Good plan" Lilly answered "We'll come!" Niall cheered "No! You boys stay here. Girls are gonna kill you guys. So no" I said, my finger shaking from left to right to say no. "Okay..." Niall said with a pout "Sorry little teapot" I said, he giggled. Yes. He's my little Irish teapot :).

We eat break fest. And the girls and I runned upstairs to change. I have to were long sleeves, now I feel so stupid that I cutted. Well, or I just wear a jacket. Yes! I'm smart for a blond girl. Hahaha. I'm going to wear black skinny jeans, and a white crcop top with OWEEB written on i, as jacket I do a army jacket, and just black Vans, my make-up done just easy, mascara and a little eyeliner above my upper lash line, and light pink lipstick, and a gold necklace. Well my hair. Ah. Bad hair day, so messy ponytail. Perfect. I grabbed a quick rucksack and putted my things in it. I'm done.

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