Chapter 24. <3

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Adriana's POV:

We took our seats. I was sitting next to Harry and Liam.

The boys need to do a little speech.

They all did a little talk. First Niall than Zayn than Liam than Louis and at least Harry. It was now Harry's turn.

"Okay. Thank you for being here tonight! If you like it, tell everyone. If you don't, than lie" Everyone was laughing. Only Harry would say something like that.

*Next day*

Well i'ts the next day. The movie was awesome! I was actually crying 'cause I support them since the beginning, so it was very overwhelming.

I was so tired that I didn't stay so long at the after party as the girl. Nobody wanted to come with me.

I woke up in the night like 4 o'clock because I heard screaming.. I grabbed my earphones to listen some music to get back to sleep. It worked I woke up in the morning with Cold coffee from Ed Sheeran. I love that song.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed some socks 'cause my feet are cold. And i'ts summer..

I walked downstairs and I don't know who was screaming last night.

Nobody was downstairs. Weird. I'ts 2 in the afternoon. I looked at my phone at my messages and had texts from everybody. They are out in the city. No time to wake me. Well, i'ts nice and calm now in the house. So I turned on the TV and right away something popped up.

"Harry Styles spotted with Taylor Swift again in a club in London last night" Nonono. This can't be true. This must be a rumour! Was she the one that was screaming?! No. Adriana stop, just talk to Harry about it. Okay, now I'm talking to myself.

*3 hours later*

I was just checking my school we're I'll start at like 2 weeks. The girls and I are excited but also not. We get to know new kids and stuff. But we don't like to work we always talk, that's just us.

"ADRIANA! WE'RE HOME!" Someone yelled from downstairs. I ran out of my room and saw everybody standing in the hallway.

"Hello people!" I said walking down the stairs, they all turned their heads to me. "How was the party?" I asked them when we walked to the backyard to sit in the sun on the benches. "It was amazing! Why wasn't you there?" Cat asked "I was to tired. Jetlag" She  nodded. I looked over at Harry and he looked away. Okay. Wtf?

Well. This is awkward. Everyone is silent and stuff what happened?

"Guys. Why is everyone so silent. I know that there's something wrong. Just tell me" I said looking to them

"Well. We're all drunk. Very drunk" Niall said "And some wrong things happened that shoudln't have happened" Lilly said after him "Like what?"

"Cat kissed Niall and grinded on him and Lilly did it with me to let her feel the pain she felt" Zayn said with a shaking voice "But I was drunk Zayn! I'm really sorry! Lilly I was drunk as hell! You know that! I would never do that to you!" She cried. "I know. But I was drunk to. So. I would never do that to you either Catty" She said crying "I forgive you" Lilly said running towards Cat and hugging her.

"Adriana close your mouth. You catch flies." Harry said rude "Harry. What happened with you. That you're hangover doens't mean that you have to act like this!" I said angry. What happened?

"Louis can I talk to you?" I asked, he nodded and walked with me to the end of the backyard.                  

"What's wrong? I can see that's something wrong. I'm a supermaaaaaan" I laughed lightly. "What did Harry do last night?" I asked seriously "Ehm. I don't know, you should talk to him.." "Do you know if Taylor was there..?" "Yes. Yes, she was there" "With Harry?" Tears start to fall down my cheeks"I don't know" And he hugs me. "Why did Cat really kissed Niall?" "You should ask her Hun" "Okay. Let's go back. I'll talk to Harry tonight" He nodded and we walk back.

We talked a bit and I actually want to know who screamed tonight? Should I ask it? Yesss! I should ask it "Ehm. Who screamed last night?" They all looked confused.

"Look. I woke up this night. And someone was screaming.." I explained "I dind't heard anything" Louis said "Yeah. That's because you were to drunk" Nicki poked him "Hahah. Did anyone was going hard tonight or was it a bad dream. Like i'ts just a question" I said laughing. Everyone shaked their head "Ah. Whatever" I said waving with my hands, they all laughed.

I'ts like evening now. We just finished dinner. Liam gave us information about school that starts in a week or so. We don't have uniforms, thank god! And that we have the same class every hour, so I'm always with my girls. And yeah. I'm now in my room with Cat she's telling everything about her ad Zayn, she so happy, I'm happy than to, 'cause if she's happy I'm happy to.

"Cat?" "Yes?" "Was Taylor really really at the club?" "Ehm.." "Just tell me.." "Yes. She was there" "Can you tell me everything that happened" "I don't know what happened. Go talk to Harry, he's in the backyard" I nodded and walked away.

On my way down I spotted Niall and Lilly almost swallowing each others, well they're fine again I think.

"Liam? Where's Sara? You we're watching a movie right?" I asked as I saw Liam sitting on the sofa alone "She's on the toilet. Why do you ask?" I run towards him and whisper real quick in his ear "I think she likes you. A bit. Or a lot" And run away waving at him, and run to the backyard.

I saw Harry and walked to him "Haz?" He looked up and smiled and stood up "Hey babe? What's up?" He hugged but he looked worried.

"D-did y-you really k-kissed with Taylor last n-night in t-the club?" I asked tears streaming down my face "Woah woah. Slow down. Repeat, and tell it slow" He said and wiping the tears away. "Did you really kissed with Taylor last night in club? I'ts all over the news and stuff" "No. No of course not" I looked at him "And now the truth please" Tears start to stream down my face again. Nice, now I look like a complete idiot. "Okay. Yes but-" I cut him off "I knew it. Why Harry? Wh-" "No. Let me explain?" I nodded wiping away a few tears "Thank you. We we're just dancing and than someone tapped n my shoulder and SHE kissed ME right away as I turned around. I never never wanted to kiss her again in my life. Before I knew it we we're in my room. And she started to unblock my pants, but I slapped her, and that was that the one who screamed last night. But I din't do anything. I don't want to see you upset baby! Please don't cry!" He said looking at me, he standing not that far away from me. I run towards him and hugged him tight "I don't want to lose you Harry!" And kissed him on the lips.

When we turned around we saw Simon and Paul standing there angrily, we walk towards them. "What's wrong?" Harry asks "Come to the living room everyone!" Paul screamed through the whole house. When we all sat on the couches Liam asks what's wrong "What's wrong? What's wrong? You forgot the rehearsal!!" He screamed angry "Fuck.." We  all muttered. "So get you lazy ass from the couch an dgo to the O2!" And with that we run to the cars.

*30 minutes*

The boys are now rehearsing. The girls and I are standing in the 'Golden Circle' and watching how ther're singing. They're now playing 'Live While We're Young' We had a dance on this song so we're dancing the routine. When they finished the song the cheered for us. Normal it is the other way around, right? That we cheer for them..

"Okay Boys! We're now going to do 'Rock Me'. Girls go to Lou. She wants to talk about clothes" Liam says, we nodded and walk towards the dressing rooms.

"Hey girls!" Lou cheered "Hey Lou!" We cheered in unison.

I looked at the girls "Do you know what i think that they are going to do?" "Ehm.. Noo.." Nicki says. Lilly and  CAt both smack her arm "Your so stupid.." Lily face palmed her self. "Sorry. Sorry. I think I know"

"They have  a cheeky plan at 'Rock Me'!" We said at the same time. "Okay. Girls, you al ready to pick some clothes?"

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