Chapter 14. <3

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Harry's POV: 

I can't wait to tell the world that Adriana is my girl. But Liam also need to tell the world that Adriana is his sister. i'm scared of that though..

Nicki's POV:  

I don't know what to do with Drew Should i break up? Or not? What will Adriana think? Damn! I'm going to talk  to Adriana. If i can find her. "Harry do you know where Adriana is?" "I think she's in her room. getting ready for her birthday dinner" "OK! Thanks Harry!" "You're very welcome!"

I walk over to Adriana's room. I don't think i'ts necessary to knock. So i'll just walk in.

"Adriana where are you?"

"In the bathroom. You can come in, I'm doing my make-up"


I walk into the bathroom "Aww! You look really cute!" I said with a smile 

"No i don't!"

"Yes you do!"

"No i don't!"

"OK. You look awful. Is that what you want to hear?"


"Ha! Got ya! Busted! I know you to well"

"I know. Why are you here Nick?" "Well i wanted to talk to you about Drew. I don't now what to do should i break up, or stay with him?" "Well you know what i think.. Right? OK Nicki i need to tell you something. I always say that i' happy when you're happy. But you're to good for Drew, he forced you to sleep with him." " I know. You know. I'm going to break up with him." "That's a good choice i think" "Yeah.. I'm just going to call him. I wanted to do it FAST!" "OK. Good luck!" "Than you!" And i walk out of her room to my room, in the backyard. I'ts really great actually. I'm hgoing to call Drew now.

"This is Drew" "I'ts Nicki." "Nicki! I do=idn't expect you to call me" "Me either" "OK. Why are you calling?" "We're done Drew. I'ts over. I'm breaking up  with you." "Why? Did i do some thing?" What  stupid question! "No.. No.. Drew. You did nothing.." I said with a lot of sarcasm in my voice "Oh. That's awesome" "Are you really that stupid Drew!? You forced me to sleep with you! That's one of the reasons why i'm breaking up with you!" "Oh OK. If you want that? Are you sure about this/" "Drew! Yeah i'm really sure about this. Bye!"  And with that  i break and hung up. Well this feels really great!

Adriana's POV:  

I'm really excited for the dinner, because i'ts my birthday! ;D

"ADRIANA! GET YOU ASS DOWN HERE!!" Zayn screams to me from downstairs.

"I'M COMING!" And i walk out of my room in my new outfit. i ran downstairs to the front yard to the cars "You look amazing!" Cat says with a smile when she walks hand in hand with Zayn. "Yeah you look really cute!" Lilly says when she opens the door for me "Oh shut up! You make me blush' And i start laughing, and almost fall over. But two strong arms catch me "Thank you Haz" and kiss him on the lips "you're welcome babe" And picks me up bridal style and drag me to the black van.

"Liam where are we going?" I ask when we are driving through the city, London is still as beautiful as 2 years ago. "I'ts a surprise!" "Am i going to die?" "No.. I hope.." He wishperd the last part "I've heard you hea! I'm sitting next to you" And poke him "I know"

"Where here Mr. Payne" The driver says "Thank you. Come Adriana" finally were here after 20 minutes sitting in that van on Harry's lap. That was awkward shit. I'll spare you the details..

We walk in and i'ts beautiful "Mr Payne?" The lady behind the desk asked him. He nodded. "This way please" And we follow her like little dogs. Hehe little dogs. Sorry..

She opened 2 doors and i almost was deaf "SURPRISE!!" Everyone yelled "OMG! Haaaai!" I screamed to everyone. Two people walk over to me. A woman and a man. "Hello Adriana, we're you're parents" "Haaai! i'm so excited to meet you guys finally!" And i embraced them in a hug "We're very happy to meet you to Honey!" And i let go.

Like twenty minutes later and like 10.000 kisses and hugs later i meet my whole family and from the boys. They're all so nice!!

"Adriana do you want to say something before we go eat?" Liam ask me "Yes. That would be great." And i stand up from my chair and walk to the microphone that i standing on a little stage. "can i get everyone attention please?" And everyone turned their heads to me. "Well i wanted to say a few things before dinner." Oh god! I almost gonna cry.. "I wanted to say that. i want to thank everyone who has organized this, i'ts very special to me nobody did so much for my birthday and for me to find for 15 years almost" And i look at him, he has tears in his eyes, now am i going to cry. "I feel complete now. Here. with my brother, mom, dad, my best friend and my who-whole family. You guys are so special for me. I'm only here for like a month but you guys already mean a lot to me. I want to say. I was ne-ever so.. I do-don't kn-ow what to say anymore.. I'm sorry" And i ran  straight to the bathroom and start to cry my eyes out.

The door swing open and i see Liam standing there with tears over his whole face. He looks horrible. Well i look to.  "Ad- Ad- Adriana.. That was beautiful. Those words mean a lot to me" He says between the sobs "Thank you. But you mean a lot to me Liam!" And i stand up from the floor and hug him tightly. He get the tears away with his fingers from my face "You can go back. I'll apply some new mascara and stuff" "OK. I'll see you in there" And he walk out of the bathroom.

I'll walk back into the room, and take my seat between harry and Liam. "Are you OK?" Harry ask me. I nodded.

*2 Hours later* 

The food was amazing.  The boys song a song for me. It was so funny. "Guys we're going home" Liam said to all the people "OK" The 1D crew and the rest yelled.

We walked to the car and i was a little yeah how do you call it. I had a really bad laughter "Guys! I need to share something" "Spill" Cat says all the girls had a laughter "I really love u! And i'm tired!" "Yeah! We love u to! Now come in the car" Lilly says between the laughter.

When we arrived home my laughter was over and we walked in. But i'm not tired anymore. Yeah.. i'm weird.. "Guys i'm going to wear some comfy clothes. You guys start the bonfire. Marshmallows are in the kitchen" I said when i walked upstairs.

When i was almsot doen with changing Cat walked into my room and said "Girl this is gonna be an interesting ningt!!" She said with a big smile.

Great! Awesome! I think..

The long lost sister from Liam Payne (One Direction fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now