Chapter 8. <3

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Lilly's POV:

"Nicki we have to go in the plane now!" she's full on snogging with Drew.. "I'm coming! Bye Baby!" "OK. Bye Drew." And we walk to the boarding thing. "Wait! I'll text Cat that we are going to fly now" I said to Nicki.

To: Cat Bear <3

From: Lilly Parker :)

Hee Babe! We are going to fly now! How s everything going with Adriana, is Liam OK? And Harry? And the rest? well i hear it

Love Lilly <33 x

To: Lilly Parker :)

From: Cat Bear <3

Hee Babe! I can't wait to see you guys! Harry just said to all of us that he likes Ade and the are really excited and Zayn looks a bit jealus.. But yeah.. I hope that HE likes Me! ;) And we can goo see her, but she is not awake yet ;( Mweh!

Love Cat! <33 x

"Nicki, Harry just said to all of them that he likes Ade, but she is not awake yet" I said with a pout "Oh.. I hope that everything is going to be OK" "Yeah me to!" and we take our seats in the plane.

Harry's POV: 

"Guys i need to tell you something.." I said to the whole group. "Spill" Louis said to me. "Well i like Adriana. Actually a lot. And i'm going to tel her when she's awake, or when we are home, or something" Their jaw drops "Congrats!!" they blurb out "Thank you" I said to them. Why does Zayn look so.. Shocked.. Afraid.. I think that he is just still what happened to Adriana.

Liam's POV: 

"Guys you can go visit Adriana. She's not awake or something, but she is stable now so. You can one by one go visit her" The nurse said when she walks into the waiting room. "Thank you" I said with a weak smile. "So who wants to go first?" I ask to all off them. "You! You're her brother. What did you thought that you have to go as last?" Cat said shocked with my question "Well.. Uhm.. Kinda" "Well just go, OK?" "If you guys are Ok with it.." "Of course we are!' Louis said before the rest cold said something.

So i walk into the room, and i see my little sister laying down in that hospital bed, She had like 15 needles in her arms. It has to be very bad. I was sitting next to her bed, holding her hand and said things to her like "I miss you Ade" "Please wake up" "Do you have something to tell me?" "Just squeeze in my hand, just to know that you're Ok" And than Cat walked in and said "Liam the girls are on their way to the hospital" "Ok. Do you want to see Ade now?" "Yes! Of course" "OK. I'll leave"

Cat's POV: 

"Adriana, please wake up babe. I miss you so much. The girls will be here soon" And i burst out into tears when i saw all the needles in her arms. Shit, i hope that Liam doesn't see that needles, he's going to ask me a lot of questions .. I'm going back to the waiting room, i can't see my best friend laying here in this bed with so much needles and pain.. Hod! I'm so worried! 

*Beep beep* 

To: Cat Bear <3

From: Lilly Parker :) 

Babeee! We're here! are you picking us up? xxx Lil

To: Lilly Parker :)

From: Cat Bear <3

Yeah! I'm coming! See you downstairs! xxx Catty 

I walk downstairs and i Nicki and Lilly standing there, i ran to them and embraced them into a big hug. "I missed you two so much!!" Said with a few tears in my eyes, so happy to see them "That are happy tears, right?" Nicki asked "Yeah! Of course they are. She'll we go upstairs to the rest" "Yeah! I can't wait to meet One Direction. especially Niall!" Lilly said the last apart with a little red cheeks "Aww!" And we walk upstairs.

"Guys! This two Little girls are Nicki and Lilly" I said to the boys "Hey! I'm Louis" "I'm zayn" "I'm Liam, Adriana's brother" "I'm Harry" pff! I'm happy that he didn't wink at the girls, because he's from Adriana! He can not play the player boy anymore!! "And i'm Niall!" "Hello! I'm Lilly!!" She said with a big smile and red cheeks when Niall hugged her. "Hello! I'm Nicki!" And we all hugged each other and stuff and we're now all talking with each other i think Niall likes Lilly a bit..

I turned over to see Harry and asked him "Harry would you go to see Adriana next?" "Yes. I'd love to" he replied with a weak smile. "He Haz. I think that you and Adriana would be very cute together" "You think? I'm really shy when i'm with her actually, and i was never shy with a girl. And at the bonfire when she was sitting next tome i was going to sit next to Louis, and she's mad at me for that.. SO Ade and i have a lot to talk about" Ade is really mad at him for what he did, but i'm not going to say that we listened to them in the hallway. But he already told it to the group. ah whatever, i'm NOT going  to tell him! "That's true, i talked to her about it and she is mad at you for it" And than Lilly and Nicki walked out of Adriana's room. "I guess i'ts your turn Haz!" i said and he began to blush, he looks really sexy when he does that!! Damn! No Cat you can not fall in love with Harry! You're not!

Harry's POV:

I walked into Adriana's room. There she is. Laying on the hospital bed. With her eyes closed. She's still beautiful. I walk over  to the bed and give her a kiss on her head. Damn! i always wanted to do that! I was sitting on the chair next to her and reached over to grab her hand. I held her hand and i was saying stupid things and sing a song "If you hear me Adriana you need to know. I like you a lot. Please wake up babe, i miss you!" and i started to cry my heart out. And than something magic happened, did i dream this?! She squeezed in my hand "Adriana! Do you hear me?"

The long lost sister from Liam Payne (One Direction fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now