Chapter 1, Dipper

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It had been a long time since I'd seen good old gravity falls, a second home I missed entirely. My sister Mabel, could not stop talking about it the entire school year, making fanfics of herself and some of the boys she ran across here, turning it in as homework assignments. It got so bad that we were sent to the counselors office with our parents (it was so embarrassing). Meanwhile I, the sophisticated type, have been creating my own journals. There haven't been a lot of exciting things unless you count a mushroom growing out of a living rat and a spider with twelve legs. When I got the news we were coming back to Gravity Falls I couldn't sleep, staying up late plotting every move I wanted to make for this summer. Things.. Didn't go as planned almost instantly.


I was walking through the forest, trying to remake the journals when I came across a teenager on the ground. He looked like he was about my age, had shaggy blond hair with a dark brown peekaboo. He was extremely tan even though summer just started. I noticed his right eye was covered in a triangular patch and a bit of hair, his clothes straight out of something in the Northwest's old closets, yknow, before they went bankrupt. His coat was a black jacket that went down to his knees that had little yellow lines all over it, most of the lines have faded though. Underneath is a yellow vest, black pants, and dress shoes. A wooden cane layed by his side and a small top hat sat on its side above his head. I had to take a step back, frightened by the first thought that came to mind. It can't be... He groaned quietly and rolled onto his side, his eye partially opening and pretty dull still. I look around, and grab the nearest stick I could find for protection even though frankly, if this was who I thought it was the stick wasn't going to help. I could only hope it was one of those people who dress up. I poked his shoulder, trying to see his reaction. He didnt make any sign of awareness, falling back into the grass a moment later with his eye closed again. Did I kill him?? I checked to see if he was breathing and with a sigh of relief, determined I had not in fact killed him. I decided to go get a golf cart and come back. Even though he's evil (maybe), I can't leave him alone in the woods.
What are you doing Dipper? I ask myself. I give a big sigh as I realise I might be helping my biggest enemy.
Back at the mystery shack where soos graciously let us stay, I hurried inside to find an adult. Specifically, my grunkle Stan.

"Hey grunkle Stan? Where'd you park the golf cart last time you used it?" I ask. He was siting in his chair watching ductective with Mabel, both of them more focused on it than me.

"I left it out back. Why? You gonna go pick up someone you found in the woods?" I gave a weak laugh, wiping off my suddenly sweaty palms.

"Course not! I.. I was just going to.... Ride it to town to go eat pancakes at the diner"
Stupid, stupid!

"In the middle of the day?" Mabel asks, giving me a confused look.

"Yep! In the middle of the day! Can't wait for them sweet pancakes!" I ran out of the room before I could be questioned. I went to the backyard and sure enough, there's the cart. I'm about to leave in it when Mabel jumps on the hood.

"Can I come Dipper?! Please?" She gives me big puppy eyes as if she didn't just make my heart jump to my throat. I took a second to compose myself, not thinking properly about the consequences of taking her with me.

"Fine!" She slides off the hood and sits next to me with a squeal of delight. We head off to go pick up Bill, my sister completely unaware.

I do not own these characters. I wish I did but I don't. This will most likely be the only authors note

**side note, yes I see gramical errors. I'll fix them as I go, it's just hard to see through all the embarrassment that I actually made this XD. I will also fix how I start every sentence with 'I'**

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