Chapter 11, Dipper

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Something yellow flies into the air and disappears. I sit up and look around frantically, hoping bill was back. But, I don't see him, it must have just been my imagination. I sigh and look back where I was staring at in the sky.
"Dipper! Come swim with me" Mabel calls. I get up and shove my hands deep into my pockets, then walk off into the woods. Maybe I'll make it all the way back to the shack. A rock trips me, so I pick it up and throw it as hard as I can. It flies out of site. I pull my hat down low and keep walking. Did I do something to upset him? What is going on? I kick a branch. It hits something metal. I look up, and see the hole from the other day. Maybe bill went down there. I climb down the ladder, clinging for dear life, remembering what happened last time. Finally, I reach the bottom. It's so dark down here. I pull a flashlight out of my vest and flick it on. The place is illuminated by the beam of light, revealing Moss hanging off of stone cave walls. There's only one tunnel, so I take it. Water drips from the ceiling, occasionally landing on my hat. There's a noise from in front of me, and I run towards it. I run strait onto a small cave with a deep hole in the center of the floor. I shine the flashlight into it, and I still can't see the bottom. Stepping back, I bump into someone. I nearly jump out of my skin.
"Easy pinetree" he says. "That's a portal to a different dimension. Anything can crawl out of that hole" I'm to shocked to process his words.
"Where have you been bill? You can't just go off by yourself like that" he frowns.
"And why not? You cant tell me what to do im about 5 thousand years older than you, and I'm a demon for crying out loud! If I wanna go somewhere then I'm gonna go and you can't say crap!" He pokes me in the chest. It's starts to hurt so I rub it and step forward.
"You know what? Fine! It's not like I was down here cause I was worried and looking for you or anything. You didn't scare me this morning at all, no no!" I push him and start running down the tunnel, forgetting to turn my light on.
"Pinetree wait!" He calls after me. I keep running, strait to the ladder and start climbing, skipping rungs on the way up.
"Pinetree please" he flies up next to me. I climb faster, wishing I could fly so I could get away.
"That wasn't me... Not this me..." He curses "just let me explain. If I even can it's kinda complicated" I crawl out of the hole.
"What do you mean? Not this you?" I demand, crossing my arms. He points at the patch. I step back.
"Nononononono. You said.."
"I know what I said!" He looks down. "I'm not strong enough to keep it in. So I ran off, to keep you safe" He reaches out and touches my face.
I press it into his hand. He smiles.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you." He says.
"Just leave a note next time" he laughs.
"I'll stick it to your birthmark." I smile. He offers me a hand.
"Wanna go swim?"

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