Chapter 17, Dipper.

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Where am I? It's hot, that's for sure. I'm afraid to open my eyes. My arms are chained to the wall above me by my wrists. My arms, face and stomach all burn. I crack my eyes open. I'm in a large room with open double doors across from me. My feet are chained to the floor, with about three feet of slack on the chains.
"Oh good you're awake." A deep booming voice says.
"What do you. Want from me. Where am I. Where's my sister?" The thing chuckles.
"I haven't caught your sister yet. Why you're here.....You're not here for anything except ransom Dipper Pines." The invisible being laughs. There are clicks on the stone floor, then silence.
"Hello?" I call out. No answer. I'm alone.

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