Chapter 7, Dipper

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Its about five p.m.. we are setting up our tents in the dark, well I am, bill is floating around with his hand on fire for a light source.
"You sure you don't want me to put up a tent pine tree?" He asks.
"It wouldn't be fun if I didn't physically put up the tent. I would miss out on the camping experience." I say, although I am really frustrated. The tent falls down again. I sigh.
"How about now" he says. I roll my eyes. I don't want to put up the tent for a fifth time, so I agree. He snaps. My tent inflates, but its a yellow pyramid, and the door is a triangle with an eye on it.
"Really? You narcissist." I say.
"It fits two and has every luxury item needed on a camping trip." I peek inside. It's nice and warm,there is plenty of light coming from the built in flashlight in the center of the tent, there are two sleeping bags, both with block patterns, and the top of the tent is a window, covered with a tarp.
"Dang. This is nice. You'll have it good in here." I say.
"It's for both of us" he says. I look at him.
"I- I mean if you want to" he studders. I smile.
"Of course I do" I say. He smiles.
"Let's go eat some hotdogs" I suggest.
Wow. He is so cute without his shirt. I've seen him shirtless before, but then I didn't have feelings for him. But now....... I do. I mean, we've kissed, and I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it. I roll over and put my hand on his bare chest. He wraps his arms around me. We are lying in the tent, trying to sleep. I don't think either of us can though.
"I have a question. What happened to you after I defeated you last summer?" He looks at me. His heart speeds up.
"I had a fight with myself." What's that supposed to mean? I look up and meet his eye. He looks scared.
"Like, multiple personality fighting?"
"Sort of, I was fighting my demon side"
"Your demon side?" He sighs and lets his head fall back.
"A long time ago, I was a half blood. Half human, half demon. My family hated me. Both of my parents didn't know that they were both a quarter demon, so they thought I was a curse. They tortured me, embarrassed me in front of the whole town. One day, I was out in the woods, hiding from everyone, when I created a new kind of fire. Soul fire. It burns the soul, but doesn't leave a single mark on the body. I hated myself, and never wanted to be like my parents, so I used it, I figured that if I got rid of my human side, that I wouldn't be like them. It burned away my soul, making me half demon, half nothing. I went insane, my demon form cold hearted, and unmerciful. It's taken over 300 years to build my soul back up, piece of piece. It was finally strong enough to take back control, and that's when you found me in the woods." A tear runs down his face. I reach up and wipe it away. He hugs me tighter.
"I- I'm going to sleep dipstick, you should too." He closes His eye. I close both of mine and fall asleep, wrapped in his warmth.
I wake up, and put my arm out, trying to put it on bill. I can't find him. I look over, and find his sleeping bag empty. I sit up and look at my watch. It's only three o clock. Where could he be? I get up and put my shoes on, and go outside, the full moon shining brightly. The thought comes to mind that Mabel might be in danger, and I race to her tent. I look inside to find Stan and Mabel asleep. I check her pulse just to be sure. Badump, badump. She's fine. Stan rolls over. Hes fine. I hear laughter coming from the woods. Bills laugh. I start running in that direction. I just keep running and running, his laugh getting closer and closer. I start calling out his name. I stop in a clearing, where a dark figure is kneeling in the grass. He looks like a human pincushion. Swords and knives Pierce his stomach, chest, arms, and legs. Blood is everywhere. He looks absolutely delighted.
"Bill. What are you doing." I ask. He looks at me. His eye shines with pleasure. He starts muttering. I walk over. He jumps up.
"Stay away. Just.. Stay away pine tree. I'm dangerous. I am just coping with my pain. I.. I never got over it... My parents.. They ruined my life. They ruined my mind. I am just using the only feeling I have. Pain. Go away." He materializes a dagger and shoves it through his head. I wince. He giggles.
"I can help you bill. Just, stop skewering yourself." He looks down at his hands, which are covered in blood.
"But I'm having so much fun. It tickles, and it hurts at the same time." He giggles again. He forms another knife, but I take it from and put it to my wrist.
"I'll do it bill. Then I'll die. Do you want me to die?" I ask. He gets wide eyed I make it look like I'm pressing down harder. He sticks his hands out.
"Please don't dipper. I'll do anything you want.... Just don't hurt yourself. OK kid?" He inches closer.
"I want you to get all the swords and knives pulled out of your body, then I want you to come back to camp with me" he leans back.
"But I don't want to" I put the knife tip up to my chest. He jumps up.
"Please don't dipper! I'm doing it, OK?" He starts pulling swords out of his stomach, and giggling.
"It tickles" he mutters, pulling out another one. I lower the knife, and he looks up.
"Plz give it to me dipper" he holds his hand out.
"Not until you're done." I take a step back. He sighs and pulls another sword out.

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