Chapter 18, Bill

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I'm pacing back and forth in the Attic of the shack, trying to come with a plan to save dipper, when the dark shadow appears in front of me.
"Hello cipher. Long time, no see" it purrs. I step back.
"We saw each other the other night. Now where's dipper." He slowly walks behind me. I keep my eye trained on him.
"Only our brother knows."
"You're not my family" I growl. He smirks.
"Whatever you say, little brother." He laughs.
"We would like to have a family reunion, at my castle in the demon realm. You are invited."
"What if I don't want to go." I snarl. The shadow flicks his hand. An image appears, of dipper chained to a wall. Hes unconscious, and bleeding.
"Then the boy dies. It's your choice brother" the shadow disappears, leaving the mirage of dipper. I slash through it with my hand. Mabel runs up the stairs.
"Bill? What's wrong?" She asks.
"Nothing" I lie. "I'm just frustrated." She looks down.
"Head back downstairs, OK shooting star?" I say. She goes back downstairs. I pace around some more. What do I do? You could just leave him. The other me says. Where have you been? I asked. Doing business. Well I'm not leaving him alone. We're going to get him. Why go back to those people? They hated us. I know but.. Forget about him. No! I'm not like you. I trust people. I don't trust anybody. Never again. Well I don't care what you think because I'M in control. Not you. We're going so I can get dipper back. Then at least make a plan. A thought comes to mind. I have a plan, but I need you to cooperate.

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