Chapter 8, Bill

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Dipper stands there with the knife in his hand. He looks extremely upset with me. I don't like how he just threatened to stab himself in the chest just to stop me like that. Why? Does he really care that much?
"Why do you care about what I do to myself? I have tried to kill you multiple times." He looks down.
"Cause I just do." I pull the knife out of my head, then the one in my leg. He drops his. I pull the last sword out and stand up, all the holes instantly heal. I walk over and grab dippers hands. He looks up. I smile.
"Im sorry I scared you. I won't do that again. I will find someone to talk to
"Why cant you just talk to me?" He pauses. " i wouldn't have hurt myself. I just did that to make you stop." He leans against me, shivering.
"You cold?" I ask. He shakes his head. I lift his face up so I can look into his eyes. He has blood on his face. His lips are so close. I kiss him. After about a second, he kisses back. He leans against me harder, making me step back. I push back. He pulls back for air, his eyes sparkling.
"I love you." He breathes.
"I love you more" I whisper. He takes my hand.
"Let's go to the shack so you can shower, then we can go back to bed" he says. I will us to teleport to the mystery shack.
We are on the roof of the mystery shack, im laying down with my head in dippers lap, and he is reading. I point up at the constellations.
"I found you Dipper." I say. He looks up and smiles as he finds the little dipper. He runs his hands through my hair. I smile. He closes his book.
"What do you want to do later today dipstick?" I ask him.
"Just be with you." He says. I smile.
"That can be arranged" he bends over and kisses me. I kiss back.
"You tired?" I ask. He yawns.
"No" I sit up. He places his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him. He smirks.
"Let's go back to the tent."

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