Chapter 2, Bill

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The absolute first thing I notice is my head is spinning,why is it spinning? I don't remember much, I mean, I remember everything I just don't know what happened. Where am I?

"Is he dead" I hear a familiar girls voice ask.
"No Mabel. He's not dead." Pine tree responds as if it was the third time he's answered the question. I bolt upright realising I was in a compromising state with threats around me. Pine tree steps back with fear and puts an arm protectively in front of his sister.

"..Pine tree? Shooting star?" I ask curiously as it all felt so much like a fevered dream, my head barely able to hold up its own weight.. Why? Am I in the old man's body still?

"What are you doing in the real world bill?! We defeated you!" The room starts to spin and I lay back down as I close my eyes, my last events flooding through my head. Was this the revival I asked for? It certainly wasn't ideal. A me at prison was simply deplorable and I felt too weak to tear myself out of it.

"Look kid, I'm as confused as you are.. How long has it been?" I look at him. Both of them have grown a few inches, maybe 4 over the time period I've been.. Dead.

"So are you here to take over gravity falls or not??" Shooting star demands. What I wouldn't give to lock her back in that bubble, perhaps the same trick does work twice. I shake my head as I had no current intentions, I knew I was powerless and no doubt they'd taken counter measures against me. It was best to play it safe.

"How do we know that your not lying to us?" Pine tree asks, sharp as ever I see.

"Look pine tree...." I suddenly get really dizzy again, my world tilting and spinning in an invasive way I couldn't control. It was painful to keep my eyes open, the lights far too bright. We're those..fluorescent lights? Had they really taken me right to their human den? Groaning I close my eyes again, but this time I pass out unwillingly.

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