Chapter 19, Dipper

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Someone kicks me in the stomach, making me double over in pain.
"Get up kid. We have a party to go to." I open my eyes. There's a dark shadow standing above me. He grabs my chains and starts to drag me across the floor. I cry out in pain. It just smirks. We go down a hallway. Red drapes and pillars line the walls. The smooth black, tiles are being stained with my blood. We enter a ballroom, where a well dressed bill is sitting there with a drink in his hand. Hes not wearing his eye patch.
"Bill! Help me!" I call out. He just smirks. Then, he winks. The shadow drags me to the closest wall. It chains me to the wall, then goes over and sits by bill.
"Grab a drink." Bill offers it one.
"Thank you. Little brother. I see that you're back to your normal self." The shadow laughs.
"I thought you let your soft side get the best of you." Bill rolls his eyes. Why don't we have a little fun and torture the boy, just like old times." An invisible man asks. The shadow lifts his glass. For a second, bill looks uneasy, but he lifts his glass.
"I saw hesitation, you're going first now bill. Prove your loyalty to the family." He swallows.
"Why would I care what happens to him? He ruined my plan to take over his realm and his family sent me back to the mindscape." He scoffs. "I want to be last so I can kill him." He swishes his drink. I'm just sitting here listening to them talk about me as if I'm not here. I look down. He wants to kill me. Did he ever even love me? Even tho I don't want to, I start to cry. Silent tears roll down my face.
"Awwwww. Isn't it cute when they cry. It makes it so much more fun." The shadow smirks. It gets up and walks over to where I'm chained.
"Let's begin the fun shall we?"

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