Chapter 6, Bill

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We are at a store in town, getting me clothes ideas. We *cough* Stan *cough* figured that it would be a lot cheaper for me to just materialize my own clothes. I look over at the necklaces for some reason and see a simple, 2D pine tree that looks like the one on dippers hat. It's even blue! I walk over and pick it up, and stuff it into my pocket. Mabel runs up with pink shorts.
"Try this on!" She says. I hate pink, but I'll try it on to amuse her. I go into a changing booth and put it on, leaving my long sleeve shirt and vest on. I walk out. Dipper busts out laughing.
"Shut it pine tree! Or your trying this on next." He grabs a yellow pair and tosses it to me. I go back in and put my clothes on. I slip into my coat and feel the cold of the galaxy inside it. I love this coat. I walk back out.
"I think that's enough looking around today, let's go swimming."
Splash! My face goes under water, and I'm forced to hold my breath. I come up and take a big breath. Dipper is soaking next to me. I push him, he goes under. He comes up and splashes me. His new necklace bumps against his chest. After we left the shop, I gave it to him.
'I will always be there for you Dipper' I said, then handed him a little yellow triangle on a brown cord. He had instantly put it on. I splash him. He puts his hands up in defense and laughs. Mabel sneaks up behind him.
"Sibling attack" she screams and dumps a bucket of water on his head. He turns around, grabs the bucket and shoves it under water.
"I'm going to get you back Mabel" he says. She laughs and tries to swim away, only to have water dumped on her. She squeals. I pick her up and toss her into the air using my powers. She falls back into the water, splashing me and dipstick. He tackles me. We both go under. I open my eye and see that Dipper is looking at me. Our faces are so close. We both get closer, and we kiss. His lips are so soft. we surface for air. His face is extremely red, and mine is warm.
"Never tell anyone" he says. I nod.
"Tell anyone what?" Mabel asks.
"Nothing! It's a secret." he quickly says.
"A secret?" She squints.
Dipper looks like he's about to crack.
"He just doesn't want people to know that I've been helping him swim this entire time" I say. She starts laughing.
"Everybody knows you're horrible at swimming Dipper. You don't need to hide it" she swims away. Me and him splash around in the water (and occasionally eat. I'm enjoying food) until the sunset. We head up to the beach for more food.
"Grunkle Stan? Shouldn't we be leaving? It's getting dark out" dipper asks as he grabs a marshmallow and tosses it to me. I stuff it into my mouth.
"Well, ya see kid, this wasn't a trip to the lake, this is a camping trip." He bounces up and down.
"Really? I have to go find Mabel" he runs toward the water, leaving me alone with Stan.
"You're not a bad guy, OK kid? Just, done tell anyone I said that." He coughs.
"OK.... I won't...." I say. That was weird. I run down to the lake to hang with the twins some more.

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