Chapter 15, Dipper

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Pain flares through me. I groan and open my eyes. I'm in the mystery shack, Bill is sitting beside my bed, along with Mabel.
"Dipper!" She practically screams, and flops on top of me. I feel like someone poured lava on my gut.
"Easy Mabel" bill pulls her off of me. The pain dies down. She grabs my hand. I try to sit up, but I get dizzy and flop my head back down. I look down. I'm wearing my plaid shirt with a white undershirt, and grey jeans... And bills coat.
"You had us worried kid." Bill looks down.
"Sorry I got you into this mess." I roll my eyes.
"I'm the one who didn't run." He looks up.
"I could've caught it. For hell's sake I could've taken the hit and I would've been fine." I try to sit up again, and this time, I make it. Then I start to get dizzy, but it goes away.
"You should lay down dipper." Mabel says. I put my feet on the floor.
"Listen to your sister kid" bill says.
"I'll be fine. It doesn't even hurt." I lie. It does hurt. Bill lifts up my shirt, his cool fingers brushing against my skin. I look down. There's a big red circle on my stomach with a slash in the middle.
"I don't think it's safe." He says, gingerly touching it.
"I don't want to be stuck here all day" I whine. Mabel snaps.
"What if bill carries you" she asks. "Dipper can sit on your lap and you can just fly around" she bounces up and down. Bill offers his hand. I take it and sit on his lap, my face heating up so much that I feel like I'm under a heat lamp. We lift up off of the chair.
"First class" bill jokes. I roll my eyes.
"Seatbelt" he wraps his arms around me gently. We head downstairs.
Bill said I'm not allowed to eat anything solid, so im drinking a smoothie while they get waffles. Mabel drowns hers in syrup.
"You're drowning them" I complain. She rolls her eyes.
"They can't drown. They know how to swim. Unlike you." I cross my arms. Bill laughs. Hes sitting next to me, also eating waffles.
"Cheer up kid. It could be worse." He takes another bite.
"Oh really? How about I say that you're not allowed to eat waffles, or pancakes, while everyone else is eating them." He goes wide eyed.
"You wouldn't dare take them away from me." I put a finger on the edge of his plate and slide it away from him. He makes a swipe for his food, but I pull it towards myself. He gives me the evil eye. I grab a fork and take a bite. He stares at me like I'm an idiot.
"You're going to hurt yourself. Stop eating." Everyone is looking at me concerned. I push his plate away and walk off. Bill throws his hands up in the air behind me. I head outside. The woods are looking pretty good right now, so head in their direction.

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