Chapter 24, Bill

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It's been about a week since my family attacked us. Dippers almost fully healed, thanks to human medicine and my powers. We're outside, playing with water baloons.
"Die!!" Mabel yells. Throwing a water balloons at dipper. The impact knocks him down. He throws one at me. It hits me in the chest. I throw one back. Then I Chuck one at Mabel.
"I've been hit!" She falls down. Dipper laughs. He pops one on her face. I squish one on dipps head. He pulls a piece of balloon off his face. By the end of the day, were all soaked. Me and dipper are on the roof. It's sunset. I have my arm around his waist. His head is on my shoulder. I kiss the top of his head. He smiles.
"How's your dreams lately." I ask.
"Fine. Since you've been helping me." He puts his hand over the scar on my face. I put my hand on top of his. He sighs.
"How's your cuts?" I asks him. He rolls up my jackets sleeves to reveal scars of cuts all over his arms. He shrugs.
"They're getting better." He says. I pull him closer. I still think about when I put my ear to his chest, and there was no sound. We lay back on the roof. I curl to my side and lay my head on his chest to comfort myself. The reassuring thump of his heart calms me down.
"We're you thinking about it again?" He asks. I nod.
"I almost lost you. I was terrified. You were so still."
"Well I'm okay now. Thanks to you." He puts his hand in my hair. I put my arm on top of him. He sighs. I close my eyes, willing myself to fall asleep.
When I wake up, dipper is laying on me. It's dark out. I wake him up.
"Come on kid. Let's go inside." He rubs his eyes and stretches. I laugh.
"What?" He mumbles.
"You're just cute when your waking up." I say. He punches my arm.
"Aaaaooowww." I complain.
"Oh shutup." He says. He sits on my lap. And we float down and go inside the shack.

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