Chapter 1

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"Make love with me," Radhika whispered.

"Radhika....." Her words stirred a strong, unending desire in Arjun.

They were just eighteen; as he thought his best friend ever since he remembered, his girlfriend for five years really ready for him? For this big step? For the next level?

"Are you sure? I am in no hurry, Radhika," he asked her cupping her cheek delicately in his hands as he dropped a kiss on top of her head.

She whispered," I want you, we have waited too long," she slipped her hand up over his chest and neck to touch his cheek.

He couldn't say no to her now. Arjun had vowed to always give Radhika everything, taking care of all her wishes even before she voiced them.

He simply loved it when she looked at him with her big, brown eyes. He felt as if his world was within her, he could lose himself in its depths forever. His eyes found her to be a pure beauty with beautiful long, silky black hair that he loved to run his hands through, her soft features that he simply couldn't resist but kiss and cute delectable body that always managed to arouse him.

He had loved her unrestrictedly and fully since she, a little girl of two had punched him in his shoulder while playing in the park. He knew, he was whipped and would move mountains to be with her.

Radhika was his; always and forever.

Arjun groaned as he gathered her in his arms, his lips finding hers in an abandoned passion. The kiss seemed to have mingled their souls, molding their bodies within each other.

Her mouth tasted of woman, so sweet and warm; he had to fight the urge to devour her. Her taste made his senses crumble in sheer delight.

Radhika poured her heart into that one kiss. She loved him; he was just eighteen but tall, dark-haired, a body showing the physical signs of becoming a man.

Radhika smiled as she thought of his not so subtle way of asking her parents' permission to marry her. Her parents had laughed it off but later her mother confided in her, she knew one day he would be hers and she would be his. After all, he was all she ever had, ever needed.

To say, she was happy would be an understatement. She knew her Arjun was possessive for her and she loved him for his over protectiveness. It made her feel wanted, cherished and loved. She had found her bliss and she was now ready to give her everything, her virtue to her love.

Her friend, companion, confidante, lover. She would never want anyone else, she did not have place for anyone else; not in her life, in her heart or soul.

Her body wrapped around her heart, as she wrapped around him and offered herself to him totally freeing herself from any reservation.

It was not a spur of the moment decision but a decision she had arrived after long debates with herself and now finally, she was ready to be his in the true, primal form. He was her support. He was her rock, her knight in the shining armor.

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