Chapter 23

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Arjun panicked as more gun shots resounded around them, he took hold of Radhika's hand and firmly gripping it, ducking low, started running towards the hallway, which led to the breakfast parlor. He did not stop when he felt a tug from Radhika's hand, she forced him to look at her by digging her nails in his palm.

"What Radhika, are you insane?" He asked her, literally tagging her along with him.

She glared at him, and pushed him to a narrow nook in the wall, "Idiot, you want to go in there and put everyone's life in danger."

Arjun ran his hand shakily through his hair, “Hell, where is security when we need them."

"The UN security must have had a mole and...." Radhika began rambling hurriedly, aware their lives were still in risk. 

"Not your official security but my personal one," he looked at her and gripped her closer to him shielding her body with his.

Radhika narrowed her eyes, “Your what? Have you lost your mind? Why wasn't I..."

Arjun stared at her as if her mind had taken off on a vacation, he shook her roughly," Are you out of your mind, arguing as if we’re taking a walk in a garden, dammit, we can't be here long. Come." He took a step forward. 

She pulled him back, their chests bumping into each other, rousing feelings unwarranted and unnecessary for the moment, Radhika mimicked him, “Come," she rolled her eyes," Enough of the macho man act," she looked at him, pointed at herself, "you're my responsibility, you will follow me. We have an edge for now; the hotel security must have holed them in. We need a place to hide, we need to think. It’s not safe to be here, your room is out of the question."

Already a plan was beginning to take place in her mind. Honed by training she could click things into place in a moment’s notice or even less.

She didn’t dare show her apprehension in her eyes. That was for her to retain and direct.

He blew a deep breath and simply nodded,” Anything, I will do anything that keeps you alive.” He gently cupped her cheek and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. He placed his hand on Radhika’s shoulder, “lead on.”

Though he had explored hallways on his way up to his room numerous times, but he couldn't recall any particularly good hiding spot.

He prayed for Radhika’s safety, please, just keep her alive.

They ran towards the back of the kitchen as running feet resonated behind them, Radhika ducked and dragged Arjun to the pantry where she made him climb a window and maneuvered out towards the staff quarters.

As Arjun headed towards one of the buildings that seemed safe enough to him, she shook her head and pointed towards the clock tower.

“I have the keys, they have a small room, on the top used only by the maintenance staff, hidden for beautification purpose and is not labeled on the map, I had a duplicate made for emergency,” she wandered.

Arjun looked at her in awe, “If we weren’t running I would have kissed you right now.”

“Thank god, I had the sense to dangle it in my necklace and wear it around my neck.”

Trying to make the situation light, Arjun murmured,” Those are just details, I wouldn’t let any situation to kiss you let by.”

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