Chapter 24

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Arjun took her by her waist and rolled her on top of him. She seemed so small, so delicate. The urge to savor her and to protect her, claimed him with ferocity unknown to him.

He tightened his arms around her, letting her body mingle with his as he sought her mouth and kissed her with all that he had. He wanted to take away her fears, her insecurity, wanted to convey to her he was always there with her, no matter what.

Radhika matched his wildness with her own, she didn't want to tame him, no, she wanted him to lose himself in her. She wanted him remember him forever. She couldn't wait, didn't want to wait. A want fuelled by the fear of losing him filled her need that couldn't be explained. It could only be experienced.

She kissed him back, moved her hands all over his body, touching every part of him, leaving nothing untouched. She wanted him in every sense, in every way.

With frantic movements, they both helped each other out of their clothes, and relished the feel of skin on skin, heart on heart and soul on soul.

There was no time for soft whispers, loving words that would come later, much later, right now a longing; with its emptiness, void filled them both. They wanted to be complete. Complete within each other, by each other.

Arjun rolled and Radhika found herself beneath him, as he nibbled on her breasts, his hands molding them into his palm, enjoying the feel of her arousal. Radhika moaned as she urged him for more, she had to have him now. She didn't want to wait.

"Arjun, please."

Arjun was in no hurry, he licked his way, from her stomach to her inner thighs, as Radhika squirmed pleasurably beneath him, "Enjoy, Radhika, enjoy," he murmured.

He was terrifying, thrilling as she had always dreamed.

Desperately, demandingly, she clutched his shoulders, giving everything, losing her control.

As he reached her treasure, with his hands holding her thighs, keeping her still, he poured her love into his action resounding in her his love. Radhika twisted and turned, she was breathless and as she exploded, thousands of sensations engulfed her, taking her into a dreamy state. She didn't want to come down; she wanted him closer to her body, closer to her heart and soul.

Arjun rubbed sinuously against the length of her body as he came up to kiss her parted mouth and with one calm nibble, he joined them together, making them achieve another high, another peak to sail, to conquer. As they moved together, madness, pure senseless madness overwhelmed them both, letting their emotions, fears fall within each other.


Streaming sunlight dazzled them with its falling rays, Radhika sighed. It was one thing to enjoy it alone and altogether a different experience in your lover's arms. Arjun's head still nestled at her throat, Radhika watched the rays play over the length of his back.

She knew she could lie like this for hours with the sun fading and the sound of his breathing gentle in her ear. With a sigh sweetened by contentment, she ran her hands up his back.

At her touch Arjun lifted his head. With their faces close he looked at her, letting his eyes roam feature by feature until there was nothing in his mind but her face, flushed and soft from loving. Without a word he lowered his mouth to hers in the whisper soft touch. Gently, almost reverently, he brushed kisses over her eyelids, her temples, her cheeks, until Radhika felt unexpected tears rise in her throat.

"I love you, Radhika," he whispered lightly and Radhika's heart went on an overdrive. She refused to believe the words, but she had heard them. She wanted to pinch herself yet play it cool.

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