Chapter 5

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Radhika showered and dressed in a black skirt and a formal peach shirt, her hair brushed back off her face and confined in a clip in a way unknowing to her but revealed the delicacy of her features and her soft skin.

With a swift curl of mascara and a dab of light lipstick to enhance her appearance, she was ready to take on Arjun Khanna.

“You’re to go down to the lounge, I will show you the way,” chimed Arjun’s secretary, her sharp eyes watching her every move like a hawk. Radhika was in no doubt regarding what Arjun preferred; classy, sophisticated, and young with a tasteful wardrobe.

She knew from her past, though loyal to the core, he liked and appreciated beautiful women.

Radhika looked at her as she followed her and glanced over her body. His secretary was definitely more elegant and beautiful than her. Of course, not that she was there to impress anyone. This was Radhika’s job and she was hell bent on doing it the right way without any foreseen distraction.

Was she more to him than just her secretary, this thought gripped her mind, but instantly she shook her head in forced denial. Knowing him, she knew, he placed his work ethics at a high pedestal and that wouldn’t in itself allow him to mix business with pleasure.

As they made their way towards the lounge, Radhika couldn’t help but feel proud of Arjun. He had done well, extremely well. The office building was a huge, popular  landmark and judging by the quality of work enounced in the newspaper, magazine articles; his was amongst the finest ’die to work for ‘companies with an exuberant pay package and entitlements. 

His office of five floors was housed in one of the most expensive buildings in the city and that itself said a lot about his dealings especially when here he simply had a temporary residence. She did not even want to imagine his fame in Abu Dhabi. He definitely must be a force to reckon with.

“Not that I am surprised,” Radhika whispered to herself as she held the briefcase containing the contentious files in her hand. Arjun had always been brilliant, a hardworking, strategist who knew all along how and what he wanted. 

She smiled.

But the next thought took away that smile and wiped it off her face. Except when he left her without giving her a chance for any explanations, she did not deserve what happened with her then but nevertheless was thankful for it as it was because of that pain that she had been able to push herself and achieve what she had today. It was the dire need of not to be seen as a broken woman but to make a name for herself in spite of all the problems that life had thrown at her.

They stopped and after a soft knock, Radhika was left alone to enter the dangerous place inhabited by the man who still had control over her very existence. She took a deep breath, regained her wavering focus and entered the Lounge.

She saw him standing in the room dressed in a pair of narrow black trousers that snugly hugged his hips and stretched with the movement of his long, powerful legs. Her deceitful gaze shifted on its own to his vast chest covered in a midnight blue formal shirt, amplifying strength and power of muscles. 

Radhika shut her unfaithful eyes and shook away the wanton images of him, lying on top of her with her body tightly pressed beneath him.

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