Chapter 29

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Edited by: @RomanticZiggy



Radhika looked at her parents as she fought him perched on top of his shoulder, "Mum, dad."

"Yes, Radhika," her mother lifted her eyes from her poinsettias to answer her call of distress.

"Do something? Call the police, anything," Radhika screeched, "Say something."

Her father looked up from admiring her mother's gardening skills, "Well, have fun."

"And Radhika behave yourself and please don't break anything," her mother added as she bent down to tend to her plants.

Radhika watched them astonished, "Impossible."

She definitely would not pay heed to her mother’s advice. She wanted to break something, alright. Preferably hit him with that something.

Conceding she was out gunned, she closed her eyes, reigning in her anger.

Arjun strode towards the room assigned for him with only one objective in his mind. He was going to make her his, no matter what.

Enough was enough.

He entered the room, without ceremony dumped her on the bed and walked back to lock the door.

Radhika simmered with rage, she sat up and pushed her hair aside,"How dare you treat me like this?"

Arjun turned and smirked," I apologize." Not looking sorry at all.

"Don't be cheeky," Radhika fumed from the bed.

Arjun took a step towards her,"Well, I can't help it. It just comes naturally."

"I am glad to bring out that in you," Radhika rolled her eyes as she stood up.

Arjun looked at her and suppressed a smile, she was beautiful; enraged, ruffled; so very beautiful, “You give yourself too much credit," he murmured.

Radhika fisted her hands," I am going to kill you."

She took a step forward.

"Radhika, stop where you are. Else," Arjun began but was interrupted by Radhika.

"Else what... huh...else what?" She screamed.

"Else I won't be held responsible for my actions," Arjun spoke as desire glinted in his eyes and he gestured towards the bed,"That there doesn't help a bit."

Radhika could feel color warm her cheeks as she berated herself for control. She wouldn't lose herself in his wilderness, not yet," As if I would let you."

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