Chapter 30

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Edited by: @RomanticZiggy

"What?" Radhika asked. Of course, she hadn't heard it right. "Did you just propose?"

"Yes I did," Arjun replied as nervousness set inside him. What if she said no? Could he drag her to the aisle and marry her. Was that even legal?

"Just give me a chance, Radhika. I know I hurt you once but I swear, I won't ever hurt you again. Not deliberately, at least and."


"Just listen will you. I love you. I will never hide anything from you," Arjun pleaded," please look at me. I promise to trust you and be the best husband."

"Yes, I believe you."

“Dammit, Radhika. Just give me one chance, I am begging here," he cut off," What? Did you just say," he swallowed," yes?"

Radhika laughed as he framed his face in her hands," Listen up Arjun. I would love to marry you."

"You will, you will,” Arjun laughed as he stumbled over the words and pressed a head spinning kiss onto Radhika's lips.

"I love you, Arjun."

"I love you, Radhika."

"Can we...," she paused," please."

She pried open his shirt and threw it aside.

Arjun smiled, shook his head kissing her.

Radhika simmered in rage, did he just refuse her. How dare he? Did she really agree to marry this git, the git who refused her? "How dare you refuse me?"

Arjun cut her off by pressing his lips on hers merging into a breathless kiss.

He rested his elbow on either side of her face as he brushed aside her hair before leaning forward to drop a sweet kiss on her forehead," Why don't you shut up, my idiot."

Radhika said her eyebrows," Excuse me?" How could she tell him that was already melting with his softness, she realized why a woman craved gentleness from a man she loved, yes loved, because it was simply the best feeling in the world.

Arjun rolled off her taking her with him so that now she lay on top of him.

It was sensuous, beautiful. The way her skin touched, ingrained into his. This was a lover's touch. Radhika sighed, her lover's touch.

"I love you, Radhika," he pressed a kiss in her collarbone, playing havoc with her senses, "but." He looked at her.

"But?" She asked winded from his wonderful ministrations.

Arjun ran his hand up, over her breasts, gently running his fingers over her peaks, making her eyes roll in complete pleasure.

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