Chapter 18

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The dance floor sizzled between mass of bodies, turning, spinning gracefully. Her eyes on their own found Arjun and his partner and the sensation in her stomach as if someone had kicked her hard confirmed that she had just witnessed some cozy canoodling between them.

Ethan spun her around and smiled in her eyes but her concentration was focused on one man. She could still see the woman, whisper something in Arjun’s ears, her lips almost touching his earlobe as Arjun threw his head back in unbridled laughter.

Radhika felt like tearing the woman apart, she was shocked at such violent thoughts. She shook her head in a desperate attempt to get rid of these rebellious envious feelings.

Arjun fumed as he saw that excuse of a man Ethan glide with Radhika. He nearly tightened his hold on to his companion, when he saw Ethan lowering his hand from Radhika’s back to her waist.


That was his terrain, Arjun nearly growled.

Ethan better keep his hands, where he could see them else he wouldn’t hesitate one bit to break them for him.

The woman what was her name again, Melly, Gelly,....Shelly currently perched in his arms made some kind of an elegant noise that made him pity himself for being so utterly foolish as to accept her wayward ways of flirting with him. He was simply being stupidly polite and what else could he have done when the darn woman had all but planted herself readily in his company and had refused to part ways with him except on a whim of a dance. Now he was stuck with this woman while his daft of a gorgeous woman had gone off to dance with the enemy.

It wasn’t a miracle to understand that life was so serene and simple. He wished it wasn’t this complicated.

As rage reared its ugly head in Arjun’s chest, he began to doubt Radhika’s claim to sensibility. What was she thinking dancing with the man whom he hated with a passion?

God! Could she get anymore foolish?

Radhika laughed as they twirled around and Arjun felt tingles in his arm.

No woman had ever moved him this way, his mind travelled back in time reminiscing the days when they were together and perfect. There was that confidence surrounding her that always attracted him to her.

She was so darn beautiful. Foolish, yes but so beautiful and his.

Even angry with her, he was dangerously attracted to her.

The ambience turned from one being serene to almost sensual.

He knew, she looked exquisite and could overcome any problem and hardship. She was poised and graceful and so very attractive. Her smile seemed to light up the entire room and he loved the way the moonlight coming in through the windows bounced off her glorious locks.

His heart jumped at these thoughts, at the fact; how much he loved her.

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