Chapter 26

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Radhika was stunned; she flung her hands on her sides as she looked at Ethan but addressed Arjun,"Why? Why do all the good ones swing the other way.”

Ethan let out a loud bellow, “I like her, I really like her."

Arjun simply rolled his eyes, feeling like the third wheel, he slapped Ethan's back," Okay, enough of making me feel like an outsider."

Radhika stepped towards the pair and looked innocently, “But...but we haven't even started."

Ethan burst out laughing.

Arjun gave her a fake smile which she countered with her own warm one," Come on. Let's proceed for the mission." He loved seeing her this way, so easy, so open, and just beautiful. There would be time later to tell her these things, now was the time for action.

Arjun knew he was in trouble. He did not have to look at Radhika to see the resentment in her. Being even ten feet away, he could feel it burn him.

He didn't want to face her now. He knew he had hid important things from her but how could he explain her that he was just looking out for her. He didn't want her to be too involved. Knowing her, she would have not rested until Charles Marty would have been caught. And Ethan being gay, he had dug his own grave there. How would he tell her, he deliberately did not tell her about Ethan. After all, Ethan had provided to be the perfect safeguard. Arjun could trust him with her and not be scared of losing her. What if someone else would have fallen for her, what if she had fallen for someone else? There wasn't any dearth of people, men, vying for her attention.

He shrugged as he walked behind Radhika and Arjun, half listening to their babble.

He had to do what he could to protect his love. And Ethan had gamely provided his services; it was difficult to explain his friendship with Ethan.

Ethan was like his brother, yes, they had been rivals and maybe it was because of that that they could understand each other. Each other's competence, their aptitude, the thirst for success and one evening he had invariably poured his heart about Radhika in front of Ethan.

He had told her of his love, of their relationship; of everything she had been his...his. And how he had lost her. He had expected him to sympathize and maybe tell him he was better off. But to his shock, he had scolded him, conveying to him he was the stupidest person on the planet, letting his love go without any clarification. Without a second chance.

That had solidified in Arjun his determination to win Radhika back.

Arjun was still lost in his thoughts as he waved Radhika and Ethan good bye and decided to meet them after half an hour for the final, closing act.

"Hey, Arjun," Radhika screamed but was unheard.

"What? Is everything alright, Radhika?" Ethan asked concerned as he laid one hand on her shoulder.

Radhika put her hand in her pocket as she took out a phone," He forgot his phone with me. I had picked it up in the tower."

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