Chapter 21

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They had been magical together; he could still feel the thrilling ripples around him, on his body. No wonder, he loved her so much. They were meant to be with each other, he decided.

She had been perfect; god knew she had been beautiful. He was somewhere still reeling with the fact that she had been innocent, completely untouched and couldn’t feel prouder....

No, not prouder, he was honored to be her first lover.

What a phrase, her lover.

With the sense of fulfillment, there were also lingering questions zooming in his mind, how would he ever ask for forgiveness for what he had done eight years back? The way he had acted recklessly, without asking for an explanation, he couldn’t just understand. His Radhika, had always been his.

That was some feeling.

He was angry at himself, at everyone, what the hell, why did he have to be so blinded with love that his fury had made it impossible for him to question the authenticity of those photographs.
What was the story? Could he ask her now...Will it ruin everything between them?

He loved her with all his heart, would asking questions wreck what they had built so beautifully. Arjun was in a dilemma, a predicament, for that he had no absolute answer. Radhika deserved everything and more than a girl deserves on her first night with her lover, then who was he to spoil it all by asking questions that frankly had no meaning in his life. He simply did not care about those damned photographs, why should he.

 It was past and past was meant to be forgotten.

He sighed as he thought of what he had missed in the last eight years, a beautiful companionship, an everlasting love, his girl, he tightened his hold on her, he was scared now, deathly scared, would the questions make her leave? What if they did? What would he do, how would he stop her.

Would his love for her be ever enough?

So it was true, love made one blind, nah, it had made him blind, and he had made it his weakness. How would he explain his careless decision to her, the one he had made eight years back? Would she even believe him? He was sorry. Yes, he was. He was willing to do anything for her to give her one last chance and he promised himself to never take it for granted.

Why did he act that way then? Well, he had been immature, a kid, a boy who had been crazily in love with his girl, a boy with insecurities surrounding him, he used to always think he was not good enough for her and when he saw those pictures, his insecurities had just hit him, he couldn’t think, he couldn’t reflect on them.

Arjun looked at Radhika and finding her sleeping and so utterly irresistible smoothened her hair out of her eyes and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

She had been his everything. He still remembered the day, when those pictures had been mailed to him by an anonymous e-mail, he had been on the verge of proposing engagement to her, Arjun smiled as he remembered that night, he had been too excited, and why wouldn’t he be, he was just on the verge of getting everything he had ever craved in his life, an on campus job with a good package and high prospectus, excellent scores and soon to be his fiancée.

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