Chapter 35

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Edited by: @RomanticZiggy

Radhika seethed in anger. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The blushing bride facade could very well go to hell. Her groom was going to get beaten up and by none other than but the bride.

She wanted to close her fingers on that hair, attached to that delicious body. God! Couldn't her naughty mind leave her alone for one second? Back to the groom bashing up point. How dare he play such a dirty trick on their wedding, weren't dirty tricks supposed to be played during the night when they were all alone, in bliss.

Radhika shrugged, she better give up trying to restrain her audacious brain. After all, she was a married woman and it was her right, yes, to think about her wedding night.

She knew from firsthand experience being angry with Arjun would in turn only churn out intense frustration. A better approach was needed.

Meanwhile, Arjun sat up straight, as he debated the merits and demerits of his supposedly 'good intentional' action.

He turned to look at Radhika and conveniently forgot his train of thought. Who could blame him, after all, she was looking at him with such a sparkle in her eyes and a flirtatious grin, nearly impossible to resist by any man...he was her husband. Definitely doomed!

"Ahh....ummm..." Arjun tried to get the words out of his mouth. It would have been helpful if he could shut his jaw which was still openly gaping at her refusing all coherent instructions.

"What were you saying?" Radhika fluttered her eyelashes for good measure. She was a woman on a mission.

Arjun looked momentarily stunned, would she always look so utterly beautiful. He rather hoped definitely wouldn't do him any good. How was he ever supposed to concentrate again in life? What a dilemma it have a gorgeous wife.

He shook his head. Atleast in front of his in-laws he needed to retain his wits. Being termed dim witted held no alluring charm.

Arjun closed his eyes before replying, a man with a strategy was a finest man ever, atleast his mind would not be clouded by visions of her, lying beneath him, naked, writhing in pure desire, "I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't hold my untactful action against me."

She smiled as she moved closer to her, flicking her finger over his thighs, leaned on to him, making him abruptly open his eyes. Radhika chuckled, as she dangerously continued on her exogenous tour. Her finger inched slowly towards the middle of his thigh. She stopped her action, Arjun's eyes widened, his wife had lost her mind. What was she up to, what would she gain from making him uncomfortably hard.

He didn't like it. No, not at all. He simply adored his hardening situation.

Was he proud to have such a shameless wife?

Arjun looked at Radhika and shook his head. She countered the same with a sweet smile as she brushed her fingers lightly against his hardness.

Making him sit upright, turn towards her and stare at her in complete astonishment.

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