Chapter 33

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Edited by: @RomanticZiggy

It wasn't everyday a woman get married. Radhika couldn't explain the feeling. She was nervous yet excited. Anticipating a new life. Everything was going to change; it was one thing to be a girlfriend but another to be a wife. She felt glorious, loved and utterly cherished. But, she wasn't scared; after all she was going to marry her love, her Arjun.

Radhika sighed and nearly yelped.


"Sorry, I can't help it. The pin is going to hurt you if you squirm," Preeti explained to her in a tired, practiced voice as she once again tried to put the pin binding her scarf to her wedding dress.

"Do you know why she is so squirmish?" Geetika asked Preeti her tone carrying on a teasing light.

"Why?" One of Radhika's cousins voiced her curiosity.

Geetika went up to stand beside Radhika and nudged her gently," The next time she squirms just look at her face."

"My face, why?" Radhika resisted the urge to touch her face.

"Because, it heats up and that means," Geetika trailed off.

"She is thinking about...aha...Arjun," Preeti finished smiling.

Geetika smiled devilishly, “Already thinking of your wedding night, eh?"

"You fiend," Radhika muttered, swatting her arm as everyone around them burst into good natured laughter.

They continued to dress Radhika amongst enjoyment and galore teasing.

"Can I please see now?" Radhika asked them as they finally finished putting her makeup for her.

"Just a second," And Preeti turned on all the lights in her room," Now, you can."

Radhika turned and stood in front of the mirror marveling at her reflection. Was it really her? She couldn't believe it.

The dress was something she had always dreamed about. The intermingling of red, green and blue on her blouse looked ethereal in the light which caught on those wonderful beadings lined all across it. Her skirt flared out in a mixture of beautifully enticing colors elucidating intricate ethnic designing with delicate net scarfs draped over her head giving her a regal look. And if she slightly tilted her head she could see the diamond crusted butterfly pins holding her hair in a tight bun.

Her jewelry contrasted magnificently well with her outfit.

Radhika looked like a princess, she felt like a princess.

This was her day, her wedding.

She looked at her back and barely suppressed a giggle. Lined across the back of her blouse were dozen blue buttons.

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