Chapter 28

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Edited by: @RomanticZiggy

Arjun did not dare to step towards her. He stood still.

He was sure he had made the right decision. The streak of surprise on her face had quickly turned into pure pleasure before she had masked it with a scowl. He slipped his hands into his pockets before they decided to seek her on their own.

Her stunned eyes were fixed on Arjun. A dozen expressions crossed her face in a matter of few seconds.

She looked so very beautiful standing there in her yoga pants, with the setting sun behind her making her hair glitter sending an angelic aura that he found stunning.

Who was this woman? What had she done to him? His entire life seemed meaningless without her.

She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Umm..Hi," Arjun chimed smiling.

"Hi? Really ?" she narrowed her eyes.

Arjun shifted," Ummm...yeah. It sounds like an appropriate greeting."

"I am sure it does," she uncrossed her arms and then decisively crossed them on her chest again.

She hadn't wanted him to come here to find her. How would she push him away if he continued knocking on her heart?

"Yeah. Good to know you agree. So," he trailed, tilted his head and looked at her,"how are you?"

She let her arms fall on her side," How am I? How am I? Are you serious?"


Dammit! He needed two minutes to think it through. Dammit! How was he supposed to use his brain when his eyes wanted was to all but feast on her. Capture that flame of anger that was burning through her.

"What are you doing here, Arjun?" Radhika asked him.

Arjun patted the car," Well, interesting that you would ask."

"Yeah, I bet."

Alright, Radhika decided she would take this calmly. She can handle anything. Everything. Just a deep breath. There you go. Don't forget, patience is a virtue.

"If you will stop interrupting me, maybe I will be able to clear out my stance," he cocked his eyebrow.

Oh, how she wanted to punch that arrogant man. Right now, right here.

Arjun saw the rage in her eyes and quickly took a step back, raising his hand," Hey, no violence."

Radhika flipped her hair," Seriously, if I wanted to take you down nothing would stop me."

Arjun raised his eyebrows," Really, wanna give it a try?"

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