Epilogue *Smexy*

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The room was lit up in hues of golden color; she could see him, her hot bodied husband sitting on his chair in the study with his long legs resting on the desk in front of him, sipping tea.

Arjun looked up and smiled, “Radhika?”

Arjun knew the reason as to why his beautiful Radhika was standing in his study. He had deliberately prolonged his stay here. He loved her feistiness, her tight body in that short night dress and the way her breasts nearly spilled out of them; crying, begging for some lavish attention.

His attention to be precise.

Radhika walked in the room and took a deep, calming breath. Arjun always seemed to drive her crazy with his vast chest, course large hands and those sinfully tantalizing lips.

How she longed for those hands to feel her curves, taking her into the world of deep, senseless pleasure; writhing beneath her in pure abandon?

"Why are you still here?” she stressed coming to stand in front of his desk. His dark eyes roamed across her short skirt dress, long legs, and tight fitting button down.

"It’s that late, eh?" he asked slowly his eyes boring into hers.

“Yes, it is. I want…….,” Radhika looked at him in exasperation.

“Yes, you want?”


“How about I seduce you here, Radhika,” Arjun said slowly as he pushed his legs off his desk and looked at her with a predatory gleam.

She shook her head and looked at him with determination shining in her eyes as she walked and stood between his parted legs and straddled him.

“You want to seduce me, how about I do all the work and you just sit and enjoy,” she purred, delicately blowing her hot, delicious breath on his ear lobe making him moan in sweet agony.

Her abdomen ached in anticipation, she wanted him, she needed him to make her feel powerful, to make her feel feminine, to make her feel herself.

Radhika rested her hands on the back of his chair and settled well, making sure her mound was directly in contact with his sensuous growing bulge. She leaned onto him and with her lips parted, licked the corner of his lips, moving her way slowly towards his mouth.

She was so wet by now, he could feel her through all their clothes. He leaned in slowly and licked her ear, blowing it gently as she shivered and moaned softly.

He whispered into her ear, in a low voice, "It's time to see what's beneath these useless clothes, isn't it?" And he reached for the buttons on the front of her dress and pushed them open slowly, agonizingly, grazing his fingers against the back of her neck. Radhika sat silent, breathing heavily, wanting him to reveal her naked body, to feel the misty air hit her curves.

Her chest heaved as she took in a deep breath anxious for his reaction; her big breasts moved up and down, bouncing slightly. Her hard, erect nipples could be seen clearly through her thin bra and Arjun’s eyes grazed over her well-defined collarbone and when they dropped below, he lost all control and in lightening speed latched himself to feast on to her two sweet cherry tops.

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