Chapter 19

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Arjun stared, blinked and stared. 

There on the bed, lay Radhika in an excuse of a black laced shift, that gloriously contrasted against her milky soft, smooth skin making Arjun react in a pure male manner. 

God, she was built beautifully. He ached in blind trepidation as his gaze roamed around her exposed wonderfully long legs, her tempting neck and....was he in heaven....and....those magnificent white globes that seemed to be playing hide and seek  in that flimsy piece of silk.

 In the dim light, with her skin glowing, her seductive stance on the bed; she looked every bit an angel.

An erotic angel sent on earth to devour him. 

Arjun's hands wanted themselves on her, with his tongue caressing every part of her body; exposed or not. 

He just couldn't stop looking. There was just so much to look at, so much to ingrain, he wanted to memorize every little detail that he could see right now and commit it to memory forever. 

"So, you received the phone call," Radhika purred from the bed. 

Phone call.....what?....

He blinked and stared at her some more.

What would it feel like to nibble on that gorgeous neck, lick those partially hidden peaks?

"Arjun," Radhika laughed enjoying his reaction to seeing her covered in almost nothing, deliriously. 

She was saying something, but he couldn't hear it over the buzzing in his head. His mind far away lost in the pleasure he derived simply by looking. He wanted to take her, fast and hard. Why was she still trying to talk to him, this was no time to talk, they would have time for trivial talks later....much later.

He blinked and shifted his head as if coming out of a trance. 

"Yes," Arjun whispered as he stood where he was, with a lot of difficulty ignoring the request, command of his brain to jump right on top of her. 

Why did a woman look so irresistibly gorgeous draped in silk?

Radhika stood up, swaying her hips, renounced more in that little black lace, she stood near him, “Are you alright?"

His hands fisted at his sides as those dark as night tresses spilled down over bare shoulders, framing over them, brushing them with a soft murmur. He had never seen and appreciated the way silk tended to mould on to a woman, as if born to gloriously tempt man to oblivion.

 He could hear his own breathing, too swift, too quick. And could almost, almost feel that silk rip in his hands, feel her body beneath his, lying naked, warm and hot.

He forced himself to turn away. He needed only a moment, he assured himself, to reclaim control.

He heard her walk, sway towards him.

What was she playing at? Don’t. Don’t be stupid, Radhika. Arjun was burning and if she touched him now, he wouldn’t be able to control himself, he would, was ready to lose himself completely in her. He wanted him, needed her. His body ached for her. Only her.

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