Chapter 11

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"No, no excuse me,” Arjun shook his head. He didn’t want the fight to escalate; the silence gave him the perfect moment  to not respond to her ensuing sure to be crushing comment while his heart thumped loudly against his chest in anger imagining her in Sahil’s arms.

"What do you mean?" Radhika sat upright in her seat, turned to his side, facing him, seething in anger.

He wasn't prepared for the sharp slam of jealousy in his gut, "Your behavior is inexcusable. If this happens again you will be taught a lesson.”

"Yeah, how about I teach you a lesson, you stupid man,” she screamed at him.

Arjun felt his lips twitch as he invariably smiled and looked at her," Oh, baby, please try me. I would love to be taught a lesson," he drawled silkily.

“I am serious, Arjun.”

"So you're going to,” Arjun chuckled, "spank me?"

"That…slipped out," she muttered, crossing her arms across her chest in defiance. Arjun seemed to be really enjoying getting her all flustered. She raised her chin and looked at him straight in the eye," But yes, if you show this kind of outrageously rude behavior again. I will show you some nice, beautiful stars."

"What exactly do you mean by 'spanking'?" He mulled, enjoying the tinge of color that graced her cheeks.

Enjoying my discomfort too much aren’t you, Radhika uttered to herself.

She closed her eyes as she shifted seductively towards him and brought her mouth to his ear and said, "I know you’re an intelligent man, but do you need to hear me spell it out?"

"Yes," he shivered involuntarily at her closeness and stared at her fascinated for her reply.  

"Well, too bad. Keep wondering,” she chided as she smiled smugly and leaned back on her seat to bask in winner’s satisfaction.

Arjun drove them to the airport in complete silence. Fading sunlight flittered through the windows, skidding beautifully over the trees and engulfing them in its breathless beauty.

Everything seemed alright, almost normal. He wanted that, he craved for that. But, in life one couldn’t nearly always get what they wanted and maybe today they would have been here, in his car snuggling instead, truly drenched in each other’s love, bonded for life if not for that day in his life when she ruined everything for him.

He sighed as wothless emotions tried to over-whelm him, refusing to lose his focus; he shook his head and brought the car to a halt outside the private landing strip.

“Here’s our ride,” Radhika said to Arjun.

But, without waiting for his reply, she got out of her car and hauled up her luggage out of the boot.

She continued without waiting for him, already familiar with the ins and the outs of the area.

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