Chapter 10

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She tilted her head to have a good look at the unsuspecting victim; he was tall, had short dark hair the one that just fell delightfully over his forehead, a warrior’s body, hard as a rock, and the best body she’d ever seen. Pure eye candy dressed in a T–shirt that clung to an impressive chest and jeans that fit too snugly.

He was all muscle at the right places.

No wonder, he is so irresistible, she sighed.

If she would have been anyone else her mouth would have watered almost deliriously.

Then, he turned and looked at her. She dropped her eyes and pretended to be interested on the pebbles lying on the road.

"Morning," he said, "Right on time."

He thought, she was stunning. She might not be considered breath-taking but for him, she was that and more. A woman who had a complete hold over him and he could just see her perfection, there were no flaws, no blemishes, nothing; Just beauty in its pure form.

Light caught the gold in the sun, drenching her in its glow. Or was it her providing sun its beauty?

 The yellow knee length sundress she wore revealed the swell of her breasts and sent a jolt of need shooting through him. The sensation was completely unexpected—and most welcome.

“Morning, I am glad we’re travelling together. Will give us time to go over the notes,” she replied thankful of the fact that he hadn’t seen her checking him out.

Arjun walked up to her and smiled.

God! That alone took her breath away. She was sure that smile amounted for penalty in some states.

She looked at him, gave him a small smile in return and he took her luggage from her hands. At that moment, something changed. Because Radhika had the softest, most delicate touch Arjun had ever felt. And though he had kissed her, it was almost astonishing to feel something so powerful course through him at her slightest touch.

Immediately, his mind conjured up wicked, unexpected scenarios of him and her frolicking in bed…naked…with those slender fingers wrapped around his—

“Shall we?” he managed to utter out. Her yesterday’s fantastic performance in that skirt was still etched in his mind. How would he ever forget her in that?

Bloody hell… He cleared his throat, stepping back half a stride, all amusement vaporized by the blasting surge of lust that threatened to bring him to his knees. No longer touching her, he strove to regain his senses.

He clenched his hand holding the luggage into a tight fist and walked towards the car, he had to, no, needed to cool down.

They reached the parking lot, where his SUV sat alone.

 Arjun turned to face her,” So we’re running an hour ahead."

Radhika walked along with him, lost in the way his walk strutted his hips, almost arrogantly. Showcasing without any doubt, the best buns she had ever come across till now.

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