Chapter 2

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Eight years later


In the darkness, Radhika looked ravishing in the red lingerie as she stood in the middle of the room, moonlight reflecting on her tantalizing curves and her smooth, deep, soft cleavage. She giggled and blew him a kiss, swaying her hips slightly to the music in a drunken haze. 

“Why are you hesitating, my love?” she purred as she caressed the back of James Martin, the Managing Director of Brown company, her fingers lingering on his neck.

“Which wine bottle can open without some lusty turning?” he asked, the forty year old already married man looked at her, licking his lips in sweet anticipation.

Radhika tilted her head to one side and moved towards the side table, “Maybe it requires some time with a beautiful woman, these shameless bottles open quaintly even with a very rusty opener provided it’s on the top,” she smiled seductively as she fingered the phone lying on the table.

“You seem to be very sure of your gender,” he chuckled and poured the wine in two glasses.

She glided towards him and accepted the glass, “I will let you be the judge,” she smiled and winked.

“You’re most kind,” James Martin groaned and held her delicately by her waist, his lips kissing her neck.

“You hardly know what I am capable of, Mr. Martin,” she replied and in a quick gesture, lifted her short laced skirt from the hem, pulling up to her waist.

It was a shockingly lewd movement, but more shocking for what was revealed.

James Martin gasped loudly and cursed heatedly, as he saw the pistol strapped to her thighs.

“James Martin, you’re hereby arrested on charges of espionage against your own Brown Company and indulging in insider trading, over to you gentlemen,” Radhika chimed as men in uniform swarmed the room, she looked at the head inspector, accepted the coat to cover her scantily-clad body.

“Here is all the evidence,” Radhika said as she handed him James Martin’s mobile and a pen drive.

“Thank you, ma’am. We’re very grateful,” the police inspector saluted her.

She smiled, took two intimidating steps and stopped, “Just, remember to send me the cheque on time,” with that she walked out through the hotel room.


Radhika stood near the mirror as she clasped her bra. She was just running on time. Her ever functioning mind zoomed on the current issue bothering the entire organization which she co-headed.

She was happy with her job yesterday and couldn’t wait for her assignment. It always brought a thrill of challenge that she simply loved.  Radhika Verma was content with what she had achieved. It could not be termed as a minor achievement.

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