Chapter 27

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Radhika fettered around her room; she paced, sat down, paced again. She had to leave this place, she needed a change. Time to quip herself; brace herself for the normalcy she wanted.

It wasn't going to be easy to set her life back again, back to how it was. Without him.

She needed stability, as she packed she decided she needed the refuge of her home. She decided to follow her heart, without informing anyone, she checked out of the hotel.

She reasoned, she was under no obligation to inform anyone. She wasn't anyone's lover, friend or a companion. But…barely, a colleague. The work was done and that in itself was an indication to go their separate ways.

It was time to move on.


"Why can't I see Radhika huddled around you?" Ethan asked as he stood in Arjun's room.

Arjun calmly lifted a slice of bread and with practiced ease spread butter on it, he shrugged for an answer.

Ethan raised his eyebrow,"Arjun, where is she?"

Arjun looked at him, took a bite and asked him," Have you had your breakfast, Ethan?"

Ethan noticed the shadows beneath his eyes. Arjun looked tired, worn out. What had happened? He had never seen him so lost; eating his food robotically as if the taste did not matter.

"No Arjun, I am not interested in breakfast."


"Arjun," Ethan crossed his arms.

Arjun continued taking small bites.


"Yeah, changed your mind," Arjun asked giving Ethan a fake smile. He offered him the plate containing sandwiches. "Want some?"

"No, I don't want any," Ethan rolled gently on his feet," I asked you a question."

"You did," Arjun asked unfazed as he poured some coffee for himself and Ethan.

"Thank you," Ethan took the coffee, he knew it was going to be a long day, something had happened and it would take a lot of time to pry it out of Arjun.

"So?" Ethan sat down on a sofa beside Arjun.

Arjun roused from his thought, “I am fine. How are you?"


"I am sorry."

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