chapter 17- crash

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So I haven't updated in a month because I've been graduating , prom, you know middle school senior shit but I'm back now to tell you every FRIDAY, this book will be updated:))

Now, I'm doing this on my kindle so excuse the grammar mistakes please.

Oh and since I know you guys love this book this chapter is going to be a bit enjoy...(tear warning.....)

~Nialls pov~

I looked up at the sky as I heard a loud crack of thunder, causing the streets to be full of the pounding rain.

I looked over at Danielle who drove with the middle of her fingers turning the wheel,obviously doing it to protect her Nails.

"can I use your phone...?" I asked her as I pointed to her zebra printed iPhone.

"of course." She said, her eyes squinting at the road. The rain was pouring so hard it was really difficult to see up the road.

I grabbed the phone softly and dailed Liams number.

I bit my lip a bit as I heard it ring, feeling a bit happy when I heard Liams voice say, but frowning when I realised It sounded sad "Did you find Niall? Is he ok? oh god I hope he's o-"

"stop being a dork..." I said with a soft smile, trying to show him that I wasn't mad.

"Niall? Baby I'm really sorry, I know I should have told you about the let-" Liam said quickly, me smiling softly as j interrupted him "Shut up.....if I didn't forgive you I wouldn't be calling you now would I?" I gave a soft giggle as I said "to be honest...I know you didn't mean it...well now. I'm was just upset to think that you would think of such things.." he tried to speak but I didn't let him "buuttt.....I forgive you. so don't mention it....." I smiled and I can almost imagine Liam smiling on the other end . "Oh and when I come home I expect no tears and ice cream...and a kiss...." I heard Liam chuckle, sniffling witch indicated he was crying before "no problem babe..."

I smiled softly and said "oh and whip cream"

He chuckled again and said "no problem....are you coming back?"

I said, inhaling softly as I heard the soft sound of tires in the mist of the rain "yeah im on my wa-"'

My words stopped as I saw a bright light from my side of the window. It was as if the world had slowed down into a fast, heart pacing blur. I turned my head and quickly saw the figure of a red car, with two circles of light burning into my eyes, as rain hit the window.

Then I saw black.

I let out a sharp scream as I heard the sound of clashing metal, my body going numb. I heard Danielle scream just as loud as me, as I tried to wrap my head around what was happening. I felt my body being swung left to right and back and forth, as if someone was literally shaking me. I looked out the window and saw the world outside spin upside down, then I realised It was me who was spinning round and around.

I watched with ringing ears as my forehead unwilling was pushed to the front of the dashboard.

I opened my eyes, quickly gasping for air for where ever I was, they was a low supply of it. My head was pounding, and in my mouth I tasted metal. I turned my head with a loud cry in pain, for it felt like my spine was being ripped out. "D-Danielle?" I cried, tears falling from my face. I watched as she opened her eyes, her hair standing up from her body, indicating that the car was upside down.

all I could hear we're distant cries, and a car horn honking in a pattern. I saw smoke flow from the car, and in the distance, flames. I tried to unbuckle my belt, but my arms were numb, so I was stuck upside down.

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