Chapter 23- Safe Home.

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Nialls pov~


The way I moved, it seemed to be so unnatural.

the way I slowly moved my feet, my arm around Liams shoulder, was just so.....fragile. Each step I took felt as if it was a major run I had just completed for I was completely exhausted. I let out a shaky breath as I stopped moving, hearing the four pairs of feet who followed stop as well.

I moved limply from Liams arm, as I focused on the space in front of me. I knew that it would take me a while to get back on my feet, but I've been to hell and I'm sure I can walk a bit more through the flames.

"Dude don't fall" I heard Zayn mumble.

I hear a loud snapping sound, causing by a groan from Zayn, and a snappy outburst from Louis "What kind of fucking advice is that, 'Dude don't fall'" He mocked. I can almost see his sassy eye roll from here.

I smiled softly as I took in a breath, moving my foot rapidly in front of myself. I moved my foot, after foot,.my breath steady as I made my way towards the staircase.

"Get it Blondie...." I heard Harry say, feeling his grin behind me.

I chuckled softly, and let out a soft gasp as I felt my knee buckle from my beneath my body as I fell to the floor, my leg giving in.

I knew I would have trouble walking for a while, and quite frankly I didn't want to use my cane for it was very....


I expected my body to fall onto the cold wooden floor, but instead, I felt my body next to a chest. I looked up to see Liams face next to mine. I knew I was blushing for Liam' s eyes lit up, something it did when ever I did something he considered cute.

"Awwwww that's so cute.." Harry swooned.

"I ship it...." Zayn said in a mellow tone.

Louis scoffed and said "You can't ship something that already sailed."

I looked over at Zayn who had a confused look, as he asked "wait so their going on a cruise?"

Louis rolled eyes once more, I swear that boys eyes can go in a full 360.

Liam looked down on me, I feeling his warm breath brush against my lips as he said "I'll bring you upstairs..."

I let out a giggle as I felt Liam lift me off of the floor, walking steadily up the stairs. Before we hit the top step, I heard a very deep accent mutter "their going to frick frack...."

~Two Days Later~

"Are you sure?"

I heard a distant voice speak to me as the car stopped In front of the school. The school seemed to be so...unfamiliar. I

haven't been here for almost a month, forced to complete my tests and homework from either the bed that me and Liam shared....or the one at the hospital.

I knew for a fact everyone knew what happened to me....I mean how couldn't they, the crash was all over the news.

"Niall Horan and Danielle Pazer, both two seniors at Vice High School swerved on the flooded highway of 76, and flipped over, causing not one, but three other cars to collide with it. All of the victims, but one, walked out of the Collision with scratches and bumps, while Niall Hiram, who sat on the passenger seat of Danielle Pazers car, was hit head on by the front of Josh Devine, another victims, Car. The boy was close to death from the amount of blood lost, the family members weren't able to be contacted. Niall Horan remains in critical condition, but is alive."

I looked over to see a pair of brown eyes look at mine, causing me to smile. I know no matter what happens, I'll be safe with him...I've been through alot of pain, it's the story of my life, but I know he's right next to me....always.

I kissed his nose softly and said "Of course I am."

I opened the grey door softly, still a bit uneasy being in a vehicle, even almost a month after the crash. I slide one foot out, then the other...then my cane. I pushed my self up from the cane. hearing the door from Liams side close as he walked next to me.

I felt my cold hands warm up as Liam softly intertwined our fingers, both of us beginning to walk to the school.

When we opened the doors, time slowed down. All of the memories of the school flooded my head as I looked around. I looked over at the stair case, where I was first confronted by Liam and the boys. I saw the walls, were the pieces of colorful paper where the letter was hung.

I looked at my wrist, my sleves pulled up for my scars were just that....scars. I watched as everyone in the hallways stopped, literally all of them, completely standing still.

I felt Liam Squeez my hand as they all stared at me.

I saw a girl in the back move her hands, for everything in the room moved at a slow pace. I thought she was going to through something at me, but instead, she clapped.

A smile grew on her face, as two others joined in the clapping. Three more joined , then twenty, then ten more, then quickly, the whole hall was clapping.

I felt tears prick my eyes for I know it was me, it was me they were clapping for.

All of the things I've been through. the pain, the tears, the blood, the screams.....all melted away and seemed to feel as if it didn't matter for for once everything was ok.

Yes, my leg may be permanently limped for the rest of my life, yes I have scars on my wrist from stupid memories and yes, I don't have parents....but I'm alive. I'm alive and I'm loved by my boyfriend, my friends, and my school.

what more could I ask for?


I finally freaking updated hollla I got no school tomorrow so I'll update again but I'm telling you now there is only about hmmm five or six more chapters, and today was on the one year anniversary of this book and it has 100,000+ reads!!! what more can I ask for? and don't be sad that this is coming to an end, I have a ziall book that's in editing, a marcel one in progress, and a new boyxboy horror one, also in progress so check it out!

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