Chapter 25- Safe Haven.

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Nialls Pov-

As the days went on, things gotten better for me.

It was as if all of the pain I had, was leading up to a life of happiness.

I laid in bed with Liam, not even bothering to take off my school clothes, for I just wanted to be with him. I hummed softly to myself as I listened to Liam's heart beat, keeping my song up to the pace of his heart

"You know...."Liam began, running his fingers my hair as he spoke "I haven't heard you sing in a while.....and.....and I honestly believe your the best singer in the world, and I'm not just saying that because your a cutie patootie" I looked up, to see a very dorkie smile on his face as he kissed my forehead, his chins hair tickeling it a bit

"I don't know.....I always wanted to be a singer, that's how I used to raise money....and pass the time...but I don't think I have what it takes..." Niall said with a soft smile, looking up Into his brown eyes.

I felt Liams hand run down his back, bringing him closer to himself, causing me to giggle. "Well.....just tell me now....what's your biggest dream?"

I poundered a bit of his question, resting my hand on his chest as I put my leg slightly over his. " be a famous singer, who goes on world wide tours, with you, my lovely husband by my side....."

Liams cheeks burned a deep red as he smiled "Husband?" He asked with wrinkles by his eyes.

I chuckled and said " did give me a ring pop, but I guess it's. it official until I actually here the words 'Will You marry me' with a ring but......I do want to marry you....that is my spend the rest of my life living with you, and touring the world...."

Liams cheeks remained pink as I spoke. He looked at me and said "Do you trust me....?" The way he looked at me made my heart stop momentarily, as if I just met the boy, and fell in love again "Of course I do...." I said in a soft voice, letting Liam move close to me "Then......Then I promise you, you will have all of those things...."Liam said in a soft voice.

He moved his face so close to me, I felt his breath tickle mine as I let my eyes close. His lips touched mine, his slight moustache running against my upper lip as I kissed him. He pulled me on top of his body, as I kissed the boy back. His lips felt so warm on mine.

I felt his big hands move slowly down my back, holding me tight to him. Not matter what Liam did, I always felt the care and love he had towards me. I felt Liams tongue run against my lips, causing me to open mine. I let his tongue against mine ,causing Liam to make soft pants.

I felt his lips stop, causing me to move back and look into his eyes. I felt his finger rub against the side of my cheek, as he said "I love you.....but....Your really smelly."

I blushed a bit with a chuckle, before I smelled my self.....I reeked. "Well I love you....but your hairy......" He laughed as I rolled off of him, getting up slowly as I said "I'll be taking a shower, OK?".

I watched as Liam nodded, crawling off of the bed.

Harrys pov-

I sat in the living room with Zayn and Louis who were both stuffing their face with chips as they watched American Horror Story.

"So.....What do you think their going to do for the wedding?" Harry asked as he watched the two. Louis looked at Harry, mid chew of a chip, as he said, shard of it flying everywhere "Their getting married?"

Zayn pushed him and said "No shit....He proposed to him in the hospital......duh..." He took a chip from his hand, and popped it in his mouth.

Louis mouth was agape as Liam hopped down the stairs.

"You didn't tell me you proposed you dick face!" Louis rudely exclaimed, smiling widely "How big was the ring...?"

Harry and Zayn both moved their attention to the brown eyed boy as Liam said " was a ring pop....I didn't really propose but it was more of a umm....promise...ring....pop , what's on TV." Louis gasped, As Harry shook his head.

"What?" Liam whined, looking at all of them.

"For God forshame" Zayn said with a tisk, "You have no soul" Louis said, as Harry squinted at him.

"Ok...tell me what is so wrong?" Liam sighed, throwing his hands in the air. He watched as Louis said "You need to propose to him! Soon! who the fuck-"

"Watch your language " Harry warned

"Watch your fucking language" Louis sassed back "but yes who the hell gives them a ring pop! Poor boy almost died and you go and give him a ring pop...."

Zayn looked up at him and said "He has a point, if I gave Perrie a Ring Pop she would rip out my eyes....."

Liam rolled his eyes and sat down next to Harry and said "So...should I....propose to him, again?"

Liam watched all of them as a brief moment of silence accorded, before they all screamed "Yes!"

Nialls pov-

I let the bathroom steam up a bit as I rinsed my hair off, letting my words come to a close.

I always felt as if singing was an escape, I mean, it did save my life. When I was on the streets, I would sing in the day time.....and sin in the night was a release of the pain I felt Though.

I felt flattered that Liam told me that I would get to spend my life with him, because that's all I really want. All the men who've I kissed in my life, were the ones who taken advantage of me. Liam, on the contrary, was sincere. He loved me, and showed it, and never tried to take advantage of me.

Speaking of love, I wonder how my parents are....I mean parents are so post to be, love. right? Their so post to be the definition, the cause and creation on why didn't they love me?

I know that they didn't accept me, but something inside of me, tells me that they still have some sort of love for me.

something tells me that deep down inside of them, I'm still their son.





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