Bonus Chapter- Dear Journal.

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Nialls pov-

I looked down at the journal I had, it was a black leather one with thick yellow pages, filled nearly to capacity as word for word filled every page. I got this book the day after the X-Factor audition, wow I remember that so vividly.

The way the crowd cheered, the way my parents cried...the way I cried.

Had to believe that was three years ago.

Hard to believe anything, really.

I opened up the book, and grabbed my thin white ball point pen, and began to write

"The past three years have been the best for me, defiantly would not have happened if it weren't for you, my you know this book is indeed for you...although I’m not sure if the Vice Book Company would publish this journal of mine for you to read, but trust me this will get to you.

I’ve been documenting everything that has been happening to me for the past years, for so much was happening it was hard to keep track.

For example; when I won the X-Factor. I had to write everything down for I would forget how it fact let me just describe again how it happened.

There I was, center stage as I stood next to Maxwell Vice, the last two contestants standing on stage as Harry's mum walked around us.

I remembered how all of you watched me, your posters wiggling in the air, also that was the first day I had ever heard of my fan bases name, "The Horaniac's"

I wanted to win that first prize so badly, to get that record label, to be able to go around on tour with my husband. I knew we weren't going to be able to have a huge wedding, but the one we had was the best that could be, just us, the boys, and my parents.

Before I continue I want to talk about my parents, as you know from the beginning of this book, I was kicked out by them...but to see them at my audition was simply breath taking. After they told me I had gotten through, I ran to them, and they caught me....they all caught me.

I remember how much I cried, just to be held by them. My dad was trembleing as he held me; it felt overwhelming to hold him, to know he was there. I was so afraid of dying out there on my know, and that hug showed how sorry he showed there was nothing wrong with me

My mother kissed my face over and over again, she still smelt like washing detergent....we were a family again...I was there son again.

But as I was saying, when I stood on the stage, I heard Liam scream on the top of his lungs 'Your Dream Is Here!' Which is why I got that tattooed on my arm, next to Liam’s name, and the two dice....I loved my sleeve now...

but anyways I remembered that I told myself, I had fans, actual fans, even if I didn't win, I would have my fans to fall back on...

And that's when I heard my name.

Everything after that happened so was quite overwhelming.

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