Chapter 2: Trama.

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~ Niall's POV~



 I opened my eyes and squinted at the light in front of me. It was the ceiling light that lit the room up in orange. I knew I was in someone’s house...but whose?


 I looked to my left and found myself staring straight into the eyes of a handsome boy. His hair was short, pushed to the side a bit. His eyes were as warm and sweet as chocolate.


Then I realized who I was staring at.


I felt the tears rush into my eyes as fear filled my body. My ears began to ring, something it does when I panic. I quickly stood up from the floor, but then hissed from the pain in my leg. I fell to the floor and quickly began to crawl. I don't know why I was acting like this, but I couldn't help it. I managed to crawl out of the room and into a dark blue hallway. I heard the boy, along with the other boys, call my name. I stood up, using the wall for support, and limped to a nearby door.


 I knew it was a closet because it had those slits in it that you can see through, like the ones in horror movies. I opened the door, not caring how harshly I did, a pushed aside a few shoes that were there. I walked into the closet and closed the door behind me. I sat down in a small ball next to a bin, almost paralyzed in fear.


Those boys did things to me that were worst than what I just went through. They pushed me down the stairs, repetitively jumped me, and once time they even threatened to kill me with a broken bottle.


As the thoughts replayed in my mind I felt small drops of warm tears fall down my bruised cheeks into my swollen cuts. I heard footsteps walk towards the closet. I peeked through the small blinds and saw the four boys walking past the closet. I felt as if I was indeed in a horror film.


 I felt like a small animal, hiding from its abuser. I don’t understand why I have to feel like this. What did I do to be so scared of a small group of boys? What did I do to be kicked out of my house? What did I do to be....raped?


 I let a small gasped as I heard the door swing open. I dug my face into my knees and cried a bit in fear. I was in there house, they could do anything they want.


 I felt a small hand on my shoulder and y body pricked with fear. I shot up from where I was and, with my eyes closed, swung at whoever was in front of me. I went to run past the boys but someone grabbed me.


"Please! Let me go!" I cried in horror of what will come next.


Instead of feeling myself getting hit or called a dread full name, I felt someone stroke my cheek and coo "its ok Niall....we won’t hurt you".


I felt the persons grasp on me release. I turned on my feet and looked at the boys. All of them had sympathetic looks on their face. The one closest to me, who im sure was the one who calmed me down, was Liam.

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