Chapter 24- Maura and Bobby.

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#READ THIS# so I know 94% of this book is sad but trust me there is reasons for it. I make the book sad so you can feel,.for these events in this book are real, they do happen....but it always gets better. this chapter in Nialls mother and fathers's gonna be sad...then really happy. Mainly. you'll cry.

Maura' s pov-


Everything in this house is silence.

I remember how loud It would be, Niall running around singing, Greg playing his drums.

the table I sat at was a old wooden table, seemed to be drawn from life. The freshly painted white walls, seemed dull too.

The stair case, seemed to Squeak a bit louder as Bobby walked down them.

The water fossit dripped louder then ever....drip.....drip....drip.

I have been watched the table for an hour now, something I do quite frequently , thinking of him.

Thinking of what happened to him, if he is alive or not. If he ate or not. If I made the right decision....which I did not.

I haven't spoken to Bobby since we went to the hospital, for something in me broke. I didn't know who that boy was, all I knew was that he kept my son safe.

Wait, I don't have a son. I mean, I do but....but.... I don't know.

When that boy spoke to me, when he yelled he broke something in me. I prayed to God everyday that he would make Niall realise he was wrong....but now I realised he never did anything wrong.

Niall was ways a good boy, he always washed his dishes, when I was ill he took care of his older brother.....his old brother, Niall was only 9. He was so young. Now he's 17, homeless.

I heard footsteps come from behind me as I felt my chest rise and fall.

I looked at the fridge where Niall drew used to hang. Used to.

Used to.

That's the word I use to talk.

"Remember when Niall used to cook for us?"

"I can't believe Niall used to sing so much..."

"I can't believe we used to have a son.........I can't believe we used to be good parents."

I thought my son would go to hell, gay, that's such an ugly word to define a beautiful person. Now I realised that Niall was as pure as they get...

"Were monsters....".I said on my breath, my chest hanging in pain as he spoke. I heard Bobby grunt and say "We aren't"

I turned my head at him and said, my eyes burning "Niall was a son of God Bobby, we thought he would be a slut,having sex with men, getting HIV but you know what he wouldn't be in a drastic situation like that if we didn't kick him out!"

Bobby' s face wrinkled in a frown as he said "What...what do you mean?"

" I watched a special about gay like Niall who are kicked to the curb. They are forced to live on the streets....sell drugs...we'll...themselves...." I put my hands in my face and began to cry a bit. "Sometimes they die Bobby.....right now our son is in a hospital and I don't know why.....I don't know if he's badly hurt if he's...if he's OK if....if he's...alive..."

I felt the tears run down my dry cheeks, me falling to my knees as I held my chest. It hurt so much, to think I could cause my son so much pain.

For half a year, he's been alone....and be found that boy....I just hope he's OK.

I heard Bobby sniffle as he said."I know.....I.....I hate myself everyday for that. It's's God's eyes gay is wrong but Niall wasn't a bad boy. He was perfect. He got good grades.....He was.....he was my son."

I let out soft pants as I cried. "That boy...that boy at the hospital he wasn't bad either. I....I called him a fag....He is anything but that. He cared so much for a son we couldn't even handle and I....and I called him a fag!" I was screaming, historical, delirious.

I felt Bobbys arms on my back as he said "I prayed every night for him to get better...but now I realised its US who need to change......I.....I can't loose him.....I didn't even get to ask what was wrong with him.." There was a brief silence as we both calmed down.

I looked up to catch a breath, when I realised something green hanging from the top of the doorway. I pushed myself from Bobbys grasp and began to walk softly towards it. My chest wages my body down as I looked at the object, it twisting and turning from the ceiling fans wind.

A weak, fragile smile grew on my face as I realised it was Nialls lucky charm. He taped it there to keep this family safe

I let out a gasp as I felt a small hang pull my shirt. I looked down with watery eyes as I saw a blond boy, with blue eyes holding the four leaf clover in his hands. I gasped again as I saw a women walk in front of me and ask the boy "Oh Niall, what did you make?".

I realised I was looking at me, and was as if I was inside a memory.

I watched with a weak smile as Niall said "Its a Lucky long as you have means I still love you, and you'll be will I."

I put my hand over my mouth as I cried weakly, watching as my younger self hung it on the exact spot it was now. "Beautiful Niall.....Your simply beautiful."

The two characters faded on that last word, revealing our grey, dull house, with the still shimmering charm.

I smiled softly for the cheap charm still hung there.....which mean that somewhere...deep down in my songs heart, he still loves me.

Now, I also realized, that deep in my heart, I love him too.


I'm literally sobbing from this OK this took me five hours I kept on stopping to cry.omgmggg.

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