Chapter 19 - Mom

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I know I didn't update last week but it was because I've been writing a new straight fan fic! go check it our, oh and I am updating this on Fridays and!

Liams pov~

It's been two days.

Two days since I sat down in this chair next to Niall, haven't got out of it unless it was to use the bathroom.

I never felt so, dead before, in fact I don't feel anything anymore. The boys have been in the room with me as I sat next to him. I know they tried to talk to me...but I just couldn't open my mouth to form words without crying.

The thing was, even with all of the stitches on Nialls arms, and the black and blue bruises around his face, rib, and legs, He was still the most beautiful boy I have ever seen.

I never realised how much he meant to me, not until I almost lost him. I regret now, as I sit here with Zayn rubbing my back, so many things.

Like never taking him to an ice rink. Or never kissing him under the moon light, but more importantly never telling my family about him.

I know it's a risk I need to take, because after we all moved out and bought a house together, me and the boys haven't really talked to our parents that much...and to be honest, what I needed right now was my mother.

How would I even tell her? I know how harsh people can be, I mean just look at my beautiful....broken Angel. He is so lovely, and strong. and handsome...and he got kicked out but the only people who were so post to love him...

He got a death Letter that made him harm himself from his own boyfriend.

What was going through my head? I mean...I know it's a rather cliche situation, a straight boy , good grades, rich...falling in love with a bullied, gay boy....but Niall isn't a Cliche boy....and our relationship isn't something from the movies.

This is real, sitting here, my boyfriend fighting for life, being pushed so far that he hid his pain behind a fake smile and used his anger to rip his skin.

Where is our fairy tale moment?

I closed my eyes as I let out a shaky sigh because I know I can't do this by myself. I know the boys are supportive, and I know they care but I need someone to tell me it's not my fault, that I did nothing wrong...

but I doubt even my own mother could convince me that writing that hate letter to Niall wasn't the cause of his slit wrist.

Niall's pov~


It's like a burning fire, and every time I look away, all I see is black I can't feel anything. I can't move my body, more my fact it's a very uneasy feeling knowing your breathing...but you can't feel the air pour into your lungs.

All I can do is hear....Oh God how I wish I couldn't hear.

I've heard the hard sobs of the boys, the frantic cries of Liam panting about how my arms were his fault, how if wouldn't of have been so mean i would be in his arms....and he is partially right.

I knew I couldn't hide it forever, that eventually one of the boys will find the small box cutter wrapped in an old pair of sweat pants.

I didn't want to hurt myself, but it's a horrible itch under my skin that I feel when ever I'm hurt.

I'm surprised the boys didn't ask why I wore so many bracelets and sweaters even in the heat....but it kills me knowing they are crying and all I can do is lay here...just lay here.

I remember when Liam would hold me at night when I would have the day after he took me too the ice cream shop, he held me when I woke up from a dream of being chased by that man...the one who took my youth.

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