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so this is my newest book, sorry about all of my "If Im Louder" fans but i dont think ill be continuing the book. it seams to drag out a bit and im not really interested in it anymore. so i hope you guys like the new and improve blaine, and this epic Niam story:

I walked down the hallway. The walls were white, the lockers were a pea green, and the floor was a dark blue. The sun shone through the windows, blinding me a bit every time i walked past it. 

I ignored the snickers and sly comments as i walked to my locker. I was, sadly, used to the harsh comments of my peers. I never did anything wrong to anybody...well nothing that i consider wrong.

I dont understand my school. I mean the blacks and the whites are best friends. Fat people and skinny people are dating. Jewish and Christan people are best friends, but yet he school seams to neglect and make it there business to neglect one category of us.


Being gay in my school is like putting a paper bag over my head captioned "Bully Me". I always knew my life was going to be ruff...but i never knew it was going to be this  ruff.

I turned the cold, silver combination lock as i ignored another chorus of "fag"s.


 i pulled open my locker and put all of my books in it. I squinted my eyes and saw the edge of a piece of white paper behind my stack of books. I reach my hand into my deep locker and pulled it out. It was a letter in captioned "from anonymous"

I stuffed the letter into my book bag and walked out of the loud school.

* * *

i was around my familiar corner and walked down the short ally. I picked up my duffel bag, from where i left it behind the dumpster, and quickly changed my close. The ally was long, dark, and had no windows so no one ever saw me change. I quickly pulled on my red polo shirt and my chinos. I reached under the bundle of winkled clothes and pulled out my guitar. I walked out of the ally, leaving my book bag and duffel bag there. People knew i left my stuff there, and they knew my reasons, so they never bothered me. 

i then remembered the letter. I shuffled back down the ally and zipped open the bag. i pulled out the slightly folded letter and walked out of ally. My eyes slowly adjusted to the change of light, and i sat down by my way to familiar bench.

I always hated my new i was forced to live. having to do things, just for the simplest taste of food. It hurt...but it hurt more that no one care.

i opened the letter, being almost positive it was another hate letter. Some people just didnt have the courage to say they hated me to my face.

i pulled out the letter and eye balled its paper. The paper was a dirty brown, with a decorative pattern around the sides. the hand writing was in script, luckily i know how to read script 

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