Empty Spaces For Something Better To Fit In

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A week later, on the way to college.

"How is she?", asked the curious Aarav. They had not talked to each other for more than a week now.
She was even going to college early.

"Look, I am not becoming a messenger between you two love birds, I wont tell you that she is fine and she too keeps on asking about you. ", replied Abby.

Aarav gave the look to him, his special angry look," What is it with girls these days?"

"I guess you're asking this question to the wrong person."
Abby was doing fine even after a week of the incident but raising such topics in front of him could be harmful."just pull right there, there's my new hub, my office building.", he said pointing towards one of the tallest buildings in the lane.
He got down and said,

"You know Aru, no matter how smart and awsome you're, but you are really dumb when something comes up related to that girl!!"

"But why?", asked poor Aarav who really wanted to dial her number and talk to her but his ego was too big, because he was the one who asked her to stay away.

"Because,(looks towards his wrist watch), will tell you some other time. Gtg, don't wanna get late on the first day of internship.", replied Abby quickly.

He started running, into the building and Aarav, the most unprofessional guy in the area, shouted from his car, "All the best."

He started the engine again and began his ride towards college.
College was usually boring those days, for him. He was not talking to Mishti, he tried to show himself busy but how will a non-studious guy potray himself busy in college?
For the first time in 19 years of life he was missing talking to someone. He was feeling empty inside.
Though on that particular day, they crossed each other's paths twice or thrice.
Mishti looked extremely calm and expressionless all the while, but in reality she was aching too, desperate for him to make the first move.
each time she crossed Aarav, his heart would skip a beat or two, he realised he was definitely in love, but didn't know how to set things right, after all the mess he created.

While, the first day of Abby was going fine. He was enjoying his work, meetings and the professional atmosphere. His seniors were nice to him. Like really nice, in fact one of the employees of the company, who was in her late 30's, divorced, was in fact hitting on him, flirting around.
His day was going good, until at the end of the day, he bumped into a girl, due to which the coffee she was holding spilled all over his shirt.
The girl was really in a hurry. Before Abby could look towards her face after trying to clean his shirt, she was almost running forward, shouting sorry in a sweet tone.
All Abby could see was her formal white shirt and grey checked skirt,her long skinny beautifully shaped legs over an inch long sandals.
He even noticed a blue streak running through her hair.

The colleague in the office helped him get up, and Abby asked,"who is this speedy girl?"

The random guy replied, "Just another intern like you!!, she is hot."

"Beauty with no brains, I guess.", said Abby furiously. Before the random group of colleagues could reply, he left.

*Later at home*
He entered his home, with the spare keys he had with him.
His parents were at his sister's place for the day.
He was too tired to serve himself with food, so he decided to wait for his mom to show up. He grabbed the bottle from the fridge and entered his room drinking water.
As soon as he opened the door,
"Hello budd!!", said a very familiar voice -Aarav.

"What the f...., what are you doing here?. Why?? And actually How?", asked Abby who was shocked to see Aarav at his place, with door locked from outside.

"Forget shit!! I need some anwers, the conversation you left incomplete earlier today.", said Aarav, curiously.

"Not again, Aru. I am tired.",replied Abby but soon he realised he has no other way left, so he began-

"LOOK!! You're really dumb, really really dumb. I have seen Mishti my whole life. Your type of guy has no chance with her, but with you she is different. For the first time, it's visible in her eyes that she likes you, clearly she is in love with you. Even a blind person could feel that but you my boy, you're really dumb.!!", he continued to lecture him but Aarav lost the track at the point where he said,"she clearly loves you!!"

"Stoppppp!! Can I have your bike keys, I need to reach somewhere really fast.", said Aarav and before Abby could reply, he himself picked up the bike keys from the usual place and said while leaving the room, "thank you so much, and ask aunty to stop keeping the keys behind the flower pot.."

Abby was confused about what just happened, but was too tired to conflict.

Aarav rode straight towards his destination, parked the bike in the middle of the road, it was around ten thirty in night when he reached in front of a door of a familiar flat, after climbing hell lot of stairs.
He pressed the bell button twice, the door opened, and he began,

"I really don't know what I feel like, all I know is survival without you is a difficult one now. I have not felt this feeling ever before. For the first time I feel weak, I feel small, powerless in front of a person and cant do anything about it. I really don't know what it is, I just want to be with you, around you, I want you to listen every word I say, I want to hold your hand all the time.......are you listening??"
The girl was still in shock, her hands in front of her mouth, watery eyes, she just shook her head.

He breathed in,"aaahh forget it.", he took a step forward towards the girl, held her hands in his' and kissed her.

Mishti kissed him back.
It was one of those deep long kisses, and in between Aarav stopped and said, "I love you"
She whispered back, "I love you too" and continued kissing.


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