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Eliana woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She quickly picked it up not bothering to see who it was from and at the moment she really didn't care considering how tired she was and how little sleep she got last night.

"Hello" she said groggily.

"Oh my gosh babe did I wake you I'm sorry" Demi said on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah. It's okay Dem's. What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing I just miss your voice." Demi said sheepishly.

"Awww that's cute. I miss yours too." Eliana admitted.

"So why you sleepin in so late cutie?" Demi asked.

"Huh. Late? Isn't it like 9am?" Eliana asked confused.

"Afraid not babe. It's like 1pm babe"

"Oh my god. I've got shit to do. Fuck." Eliana said and got up and started walking to her closet to get clothes to wear for the day. All the while she was I the phone with Demi and mumbling profanities to herself.

"Babe, calm down. Why did you sleep so late though?" Demi asked.

"I couldn't sleep" Eliana replied.

"Why baby? What's wrong? What kept you up" Demi asked concerned.

"Nothing babe. I will talk to you later okay. I love you." Eliana told Demi.

"Okay and we still have to talk about yesterday. I love you to babe. Now go do what you have to get done. Bye" Demi said.

"Bye" Eliana replied and hung the phone up just as someone walked in her room.

"Oh good you're up. Your father and I are leaving for a business trip. We will be gone for a week or two. You have to watch Abbie. Grandma is coming over Wednesday for a visit. The house needs to be cleaned. Bye" Eliana's mother said kissing the top of her head and left.

'Not again. Eliana thought to herself' as she walked out of her room and into the kitchen to where she cleaned up and washed the dishes, then wiped down the counter tops and the dinning table. Next she moved to the living room, the bathroom, then her parents room, Abbie's room and lastly hers. Next was to mop the floors she always did this last because it was easiest when everything was put in it's place and not on the floor.

When she finally finished she noticed it was 6pm and figured it was a decent time to eat dinner.

"Abbie! Come here please" she called.

"Yes," Abbie asked

"What would you like for dinner?"


"Okay easy enough. Oh you need to keep your stuff picked up. Mom said grandma is coming over Wednesday for dinner" and earned a groan from Abbie because she has to keep her stuff put away.

Eliana ordered the pizzas and went and sat down on the couch and took her phone out of her back pocket.

She had a few texts from Demi but other then that nothing.

Demi: hey.

Demi: you done yet?

Eliana: hey babe. Yep just finished. 🙌

Demi: yay!!!

Demi: hey.... Do you maybe wanna FaceTime tonight??? 😁

Eliana's heartrate sped up as the thought of FaceTiming Demi played over and over in her mind. She was nervous because she's never Facetimed anyone other then her parents when Abbie was younger.

Eliana: I don't know. It's just me and Abs tonight so I'm not sure if I will have time.

Demi: well if you do just let me know. Xx

Eliana: okay will do 👍xx

Demi: hey Els what was Abbie talking about yesterday about telling mom your secret?

Eliana: .....

Demi: you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

Eliana: okay, then I choose not to tell you for now.

Demi: okay princess well I'm here whenever. Love you. Go spend time with abs. Text me before you go to bed. ❤️

Eliana: lol perfect timing pizza guy just got her. And okay. I love you too. 😚❤️

Demi: yumm. Eat some for me 😂

Eliana: okay babe. Gtg.

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