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Elianas POV(I thought it for well to be in her POV for this chapter)

D: hey baby what's up?

E: hey beautiful. Nm grandmas stopping by for dinner tonight.

D: that sounds like fun. 😊

E: we will see. Lol so what ya up to?

D: at the moment just talking to you.

E: awww well I will have to talk to you in a bit grandmother just got here and I have dinner to start. I love you.

D: good luck baby. I love you.

"Hey grams." I said walking up to her to give her a hug.

"Hello. Where's your sister?" She asked

"Should be home soon. She had school today" and just as I said that the front door swung open and in walked Abbie.

"Hello Abbie dear" she said with a big smile on her face and went and gave Abbie a hug.

"I'm going to make dinner. Hope chicken is good with you Abs." I said and walked off.


"Dinners ready" I called out as I set the last two plates of food on the table. Abbie and I in our seats and grandma at the head of the table like usual when she's here.

"This looks so good Eli!" Abbie said as she sat down.

"Thanks. I hope it's as good as it looks." I said with a nervous chuckle.

About halfway through dinner my phone rings. I was Demi, she knew I had dinner with my grandma so I'm not sure why she's calling me I just ignore it and go back to eating.

It soon rings again. And I look to see it's Demi again.

(Phone convo)

E: "hey babe. What's going on???"

D: "I-I messed up I froze... I" and with that I heard her break into tears.

E: "baby. Shhh it's okay I'm right here. Okay. You need to calm down. Take deep breaths."

She finally calmed down so I decided to ask what wrong.

E: "Demi baby what wrong? What happened?" I said concerned.

D: "I couldn't do it. I felt like everyone was judging me. I-I froze and then started crying. H-holly had to pull me off stage. I fucked up."

E: " it's okay baby. We all get days like this. You didn't fuck up okay princess. Now please tell me you didn't do anything to hurt yourself. "

D: " I didn't. I wish you were here though." She said as she started crying again.

E: " I know baby. I wish I was too. Soon okay."

D: " yeah. I love you"

E: " I love you too" I said and looked up to see Abbie in my doorway.

E: "hold on Dem's okay"

"What ya need Abs?" I asked her.

"Nothing. Is Demi okay?" She asked.

" I don't know. But she will be okay."

"Can I talk to her?" Abbie asked timidly.

"Yeah. Here" I said and handed her my phone.

"Hey Demi it's Abbie. How ya holding up?"

"Dem's. Don't lie to me. I know you better then what you think. Now.... You aren't a" she paused and looked up at me.

"Sorry Eli" she said then went to continue talking to Demi.

"You aren't a fuck up. You, are beautiful, and strong and have over come so much! And have accomplished so much. I know there will be days when you feel like this but don't let them get in the way of to doing what you love. You've worked so hard to get where you are career wise and health wise. I really don't want to see you throw all of this away. Okay Demi's I love you.... We all love you especially Eli and your family." She said then handed me my phone back and left.

E: "Baby. She's right ya know. We do love you a whole fucking lot."

D: " I know." She said quietly.

E: " good now I have to go but please call me if you feel like you want to relapse or something okay. I love you so fucking much baby. "

D: "I love you too. Sorry for interrupting your family dinner. "

E: "it's okay baby girl. Now go find someone to hang with or call Marisa or your mom. I will talk to you once grandma leaves"

D: " okay.... Bye"

E: "bye beautiful."

(End of Phone Convo)

"Sorry" I said as I walked down and saw my grandmother and Abbie sitting in the living room.

"It's fine, Demi needed you" Abbie said.

"Yeah. She's okay. I think what you said really helped Abbie. Thank you" I said engulfing her in a big hug.

"You're welcome. Anything for you and Demi." She's said squeezing me tightly.

"Whos this Demi. And why is she more important then family dinner?" My grandma said snapping at me.

"Whoa, calm down grams. And my girlfriend." I said

"Still into girls I see. How pathetic. Why can't you just get out and find a nice guy?" She said and rolled her eyes.

"BECAUSE, I don't like guys! Why can't you understand that??" I snapped back.

"Because girls should like girls it's disgusting and just wrong!" She said.

"Out!" I yelled and pointed to the front door.

"Excuse me." She looked at me shocked.

"You heard me. Get out of my house now! I won't hesitate to call the police!" I said as my temper started to rise.

"Fine I'm leaving. It's not like I wanted to stay here any longer then I had to already!" She said then gathered her stuff and left.

"God I hate that woman" I muttered to myself.

"I know you do. Just calm down and go have a nice relaxing bath and call Demi." Abbie said then left to the kitchen to put the dinner dishes in the dishwasher.


Hope y'all enjoy. :) xx follow me on twitter @/BringMeThe_Demi let me know your from Wattpad and you read my book and I will follow you back.

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