Chapter 6. They Walk!?

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Your POV

Bleep bleep! Bleep bleep! Bleep bleep!

Ugh. Fuck you alarm. I stand up and turn it off. I take a shower and put on my new clothes that I bought this week.

I walk downstairs and eat some waffles. It's 11.25 pm....I have 20 minutes left! Luckily that pizzeria is not far from here. I think I can walk to it in like 6 minutes. I grab my phone and leave the house.

~a couple of minutes later~

There it is! I see the pizzeria already! I suddenly feel a little bit nervous...come on, (y/n)! Shake it off! It's just a pizza place. What could possibly go wrong there? I walk towards the front doors of the pizzeria. I take one deep breath and open the doors.

A lot of kids are running around. My ears are filled with music. There they are! The animatronics are performing on the stage. My god, they look even scarier in real life. And that bear..I had a dream about him. That he was talking...and that was creepy as fuck.

"Do we really have to go?" I hear a young girl say. "Yes, sweety. We will come here again really soon, I promise." a woman, I guess the mother, says. Then they are both leaving. "Hey, there!" I look up and see a girl with long, black hair. "Hello." I say shyly. "You must be..uhh..(y/n) right?" she asks. I nod. "Yes, that's me!" She smiles. "Nice to meet you, (y/n). My name is Cadey ." We shake each other the hands. "It's nice to meet you too, Cadey." I smile. She smiles back and after that looks around. "It's really busy!" I say. "Yes, it is. We're actually always closed at 9 pm, but there was a special birthday planned so yeah.." she replies. I nod. "Okay, let me bring you to the boss." she walks to a door, and I'm following her. She knocks on the door. "Scott? Are you in there?" "Yes, Cadey. Come in!" Cadey opens the door. I see a man sitting in a chair. Wow, he looks like a real business man! "I'm bringing you (y/n)!" Cadey says. "Hello, sir." I say. "Ah. Hello, (y/n)! It's good to finally see you here!" and again I'm shaking someone's hand. "I will give you a small tour of the pizzeria." he says. I smile. "Okay!"

After walking a bit through the whole pizzeria, he shows me my office. "I'm sorry that it's looking so dirty. I think that our laundress forgot to clean this mess up." "Oh, it's no problem at all, sir." I reply. He smiles. "Good to hear that. Alright, so this is your office. Here you are sitting in the chair and here is the little laptop. See, just press this and then he shows you different rooms. Easy. And here you have two doors. You have a button here for the light, and this one is for closing and opening the door." he explains. I nod. "Alright, so that was actually everything. Do you have any questions?" he asks. I shake my head. "No, sir. Everything is clear!" I smile. "Alright. Hey, listen, I have to go. I'll be away this whole night. Do you mind that you're alone?" I shake my head. "No sir. That should be no problem for me." He smiles. "Alright then! And also, you can call me Scott. Here, this is a key of the restaurant. I'm locking the front doors, but if there is anything wrong, you can open the front doors with that key, alright?" I nod. "Okay!" "So, let me 10 minutes it is 12 am. I guess all the family's are gone now, so yeah. Here is my number. Can I have your number too? If there is something, I can text you. I'm sure you have Whatsapp, right?" "I do. Here's my number."

"Alright. Then I'm done here. I'll see you later, (y/n), and good luck!" And then he was gone.

I hear him locking the front doors, so now I'm all alone.

With animatronics.


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